I receive a "Letter of marquee" to pirate content from anglosaxon countries.

that solid advice, M&C is pretty good, I hear the novels are good too

I don’t understand. With so many streaming services available that don’t cost much and a huge used dvd/bluray market (or even cheap new ones), why is there a need to be a pirate these days?

If you want to watch something good, watch Chernobyl series on HBO. 10/10

Also, if I ever need a lawnyer, I will ask you first.

Well, one reason people may feel that inclined is that these services have a catalog of the movies that are more commercial.

And the best ever made movies are not commercial, most of them are old black & white movies…

Check the top 50 movies in immodb, and see how many of these are available on Netflix Spain (maybe more are available on the Netflix USA or other region). I would be surprised if theres more than 5 from these 50.

…but I stop here, because this is starting to look like I endorse piracy, that I don’t. Except if you have a written permission from your king.

Yes ask @ArmandoPenblade

this would make an interesting discussion.

If you really insist and want to watch the “best” movie ever made, I will divulge a secret to you, and only you. Go watch “The Draughtsman’s contract” from 1982 and then “The Falls” from 1980, both from Peter Greenaway. Then you can die as a happy man.

Before I forget, go watch 100% 10/10 movie “Last Year in Marienbad” by Alain Resnais.

That is impressive sir! I am curious (since I cannot read the document), does the King ask for anything in return, such as a share of the bounty? Does he expect that you will let him know the best movies to pirate and perhaps even sit in on screenings with him?

Not official or anything of the sort, but many of us hang out there for fun chatter.

Please don’t use it for piracy – I don’t have Biden’s permission to be a corsair, so better safe than sorry :)

I will see all 0f these

I have asked my lawnyer and his reply was woof woof.

I’ll add: Days of Heaven, Andrei Rublev, Army of Shadows, and Stroszek.

I will check them, the movies.

Is going to be hard, because movies outside of commercial distribution are in practical terms lost.

Playing very loose with Anglo-Saxon here.

Pretty sure all of these are commercially distributed, at least in the UK. I watched The Draughtsman’s Contract a fortnight ago, and I own copies of Andrei Rublev (admittedly on VHS) and Stroszek.

You may need better representation. This lawnyer sounds like he’s on track to be disclawed.

We watched Army of Shadows in the Qt3 movie club. It was amazing! (Was that your pick?) Now I need to track down these other three. Here in the U.S. of A, Days of Heaven is currently on Kanopy. Andrei Rublev is on Criterion Channel. And Stroszek is Prime Video.

The Draughtsman’s contract is on Kanopy. The Falls (1983) is on Kanopy. Last Year in Marienbad is on Kanopy.

It’s a shame we can’t all watch these together and discuss them afterward. I really miss the movie club, but it turns out most people don’t have time for movies. (Including me! Especially me!)

The 5 Elements game (and the 20:20 game for that matter) is kind of a movie club.

Thanks. I clicked on that thread for the first time just now. That’s a very interesting concept, summarizing the movie into 5 elements.

I tried clicking on a 20:20 game from time to time, I usually have no idea what’s going on in there.

The idea of a movie club is that unlike being unfamiliar with a movie, I actually watch the movie, then I know what people are talking about. In the 20:20 game, you just look at 5 random images from the movie, and from what I could tell people usually don’t discuss it much, and what they do discuss briefly I don’t understand since I haven’t seen the movie. If I did go watch that movie, they will have moved on to a different movie in the 20:20 game by then anyway.

20:20 moves pretty fast, it’s true, but 5 Elements is plenty slow, and I get a lot of good recommendations from both threads. I hadn’t seen the previous film in the 5 Elements game before it was posted and now I have! Turns out I don’t have a huge amount to say about it, but I’ve definitely used previous entries as a basis for discussion.

Never heard of Kanopy before. Seems It needs a library or student card, so I would have to forge one.