I thought we had a Baby Driver thread.

All of the above. Plus, Drive didn’t have Analsm Elgblort.


I think this is an old pet project of Wright’s too, so maybe this characterization and writing was baked when he was a more immature writer. I felt the same way as you about Deb.

Drive was definitely a league or two above this film.

I haven’t read this thread, so I’m just assuming that a baby driver is like a mass driver… but for babies.

Babies are notoriously weak against shields, but surprisingly effective against point defense.

This comment is far more entertaining than the movie Baby Driver because I didn’t have to listen to Assnelm Englblort read it to me.


Tom, you and I are a team. Nothing is more important than our friendship. And I’d hate to see us lose that over Baby Driver.

Ha ha, you don’t hate Analsim Elgenborg!

The thing is, I realize this is a “me” issue. I was sitting there watching Baby Driver thinking, “Wow, this must be a really cool movie for people who don’t suffer my intense and visceral dislike of the lead actor.”


And did I mention I didn’t see the whole movie? I had to leave early because another movie I wanted to see was starting in another theater. So I walked out while he was being taken into prison. I have never not minded walking out of a movie early so much! So what did I miss?


I’m only kidding. Note the provenance of the quote.

I didn’t hate him, but I can kind of understand those who do. He has a bit of a “that one kid from Arrested Development who plays the same exact character in every movie he’s in” vibe to him, doesn’t he?

Ouch. Leave poor Michael Cera out of this!

[quote=“wumpus, post:49, topic:130434, full:true”]He has a bit of a “that one kid from Arrested Development who plays the same exact character in every movie he’s in” vibe to him, doesn’t he?

He wishes!


He gets out of prison in 3-4 years thanks to good behavior and all the effusive testimony of witnesses who praised his character. The blonde is waiting for him, leaning against her car as we walks out of the prison.

I’d never seen either of the leads before, so I didn’t have anything resembling your reaction,and quite enjoyed it as a whimsical action flick.

Oh, wait, I think I did see that part. I was walking out as the old lady was commending him for not stealing her purse when he stole her car. And just as I turned around before leaving the theater, he was being reunited with his manic pixie dreamgirl. So I guess I did see the whole stupid movie after all.


I can see how blind, burning hatred for a lead actor can color one’s entire impression of a movie. I used to feel that way about Matthew McConaughey (my hatred for him has subsided since True Detective). It’s too bad you hate Big A, Tom, because I really thought Baby Driver was one of the most stylish, fun, just plain cool movies I’ve ever seen. The action was fantastic, the chase scenes were exhilarating and the integration of the soundtrack into the action on-screen was inspired.

I also thought the performances by Hamm and Foxx in particular were appropriately over-the-top. Jon Hamm is never going to not be Jon Hamm (that’s his blessing and his curse), but the man is good at his craft. That scene in the diner where Bats goes off on Buddy was a terrific piece of acting by all four players sitting at the table.

All heist movies are cliché and trite. Every. Single. One. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be fun rides, and I really enjoyed this one.

Seriously… if you didn’t enjoy Baby Driver… you must really not be much fun at parties.

Drive sucked. This movie was not as good as I would have hoped, but it was better than Drive.

Drive aka Autistic man stalks married woman aka the movie college bros think is deep aka great soundtrack glacial pace aka Oh shit, I love Al Brooks, glad he is in this

Drive was the fucking worst. So bad.

Guess I can return that scorpion jacket that I bought Wumpus to help him get over his midlife crisis…

Pretty much my take on the two movies too. Though I would’ve preferred Miles Teller over Ansel.

I watched the first 40 minutes of Baby Driver last night. I’m really loving it so far. I also like that they found songs for the movie that I’ve never heard before, so I’m discovering some great music while watching.

In the first 40 minutes, we’ve had two heist getaways, and both were fairly unique. I loved that in the second heist getaway, it was an ambush and someone was waiting for them. But that’s not something the movie even commented on. It was just a thing that happened and had to be dealt with.

And now our hero is out for good, and lives happily ever after. Short movie.

No wait, there’s over an hour left in this movie. I guess I’ll find out what happens next sometime this weekend.

Well, I loved the build-up to the third heist. Jamie Fox’s character was excellent. The stakes were highs and the actual heist didn’t disappoint.

But then they had to keep going for an extra 20 minutes with Jon Hamm as an unbeatable terminator type character. Sheesh, talk about taking the air out of a great movie. They needed an editor. The movie needed to end after the diner scene, skipping to the end from there. All that stuff between the diner and the end was totally unnecessary and boring.