I want to tell you why Hades is so good

sure, the end result of fishing helping with resource grind is useful, but it’s a weird slow-feeling interlude. I know it doesn’t actually take all that much time but it feels slow. And having to run around the room for urns to break and finding the fishing spot annoys me, again just because it takes me out of the flow, and I know I could just decide not to do it and I mostly do but I’m aware that I’m making suboptimal decisions and that bothers me.

I have been enjoying this a lot more since I started using a controller rather than mouse/ keyboard. Feels like it was made for a controller.

Just some kind of name drop about God Mode if I was struggling. It was literally a passing mention by someone. Maybe Hypnos? I honestly didn’t register it much at the time, sorry.

You have to kill Hades twice. You kill him once, get all excited and then he’s like, “Haha fuck you, now do it again except I’m even harder this time.” Is that good pacing? I don’t think that’s good pacing, I think that’s a kick in the nuts.

Maybe they’re just huge From fans. My nuts have calluses on them from being kicked in that particular way by their games.

Gah, now I know there’s fishing and heat mode? Spoilers! Well, I look forward to discovering both at some point.

Hey, finding one dumb thing doesn’t’ change my overall opinion! I prefer my heroes flawed anyway.

Real Videogamerz played through Control before Remedy chickened out and added baby mode, or whatever it is they did.

Pshaw. There’s nothing thoughtful about toggling a 20% damage resistance. It tweaks an important value without any in-game explanation or relevance. It’s divorced from any gameplay context, narrative explanation, or risk/reward tuning. I would not describe that as “thoughtful”.

Talk about easy mode! :) I don’t see how people play a game like this with a keyboard.

Dude, c’mon. That’s two spoilers you’ve dropped in this thread about stuff I didn’t know was in the game. You guys have fun with the thread, I’m out.


Indeed it is. If you do not have a controller plugged in it , there’s a prompt in the beginning that advises you to play with a controller.

“rogue-like[s] have an inherent friction”
“through [its] forking paths”

I can’t tell you how GaGa I am over this game. I really haven’t felt this way about a digital game in some time… So glad to see you guys covering and celebrating it so much. I’ve just hit 60 runs, and I now feel like I have at least a 50/50 chance to beat [REDACTED] when I see him. The sense of progression and skill-improvement in this game is palpable and like nothing I’ve experienced before.

Also: I tried both keyboard & mouse and controller, and ended up settling on K&M. Maybe it’s just because I’ve never been much of a console gamer. Why do people think controller is easier/better?

Probably more directions are available. Also you have a dedicated single finger to movement. I haven’t played with K&M but I suspect you have to use one of the fingers you keep on WASD to cast and to summon and to invoke god power and to use heavy attack. So you can’t, say, run top-right and summon at the same time.

Well, K&M isn’t as clunky as all that! I just mapped over some of the actions you mention to other buttons on my mouse. The only one that does feel a little clunky (and it’s relatively new to me still) is summoning companions, which is something I need to activate with my left hand. I just find aiming bow & gun so much easier with K&M, esp. the gun special. But I suspect this is one of those “use whatever you’re used to” situations.

I noticed that maybe my third favorite reviewer (after Tom Chick and Bruce Geryk) recently reviewed Hades.