Ice Storm

So the ice storm is producing casualties, as expected. 6 people in TX dead because of it. More locally, I have a doctor’s appointment out of town today, and I just tried to leave and couldn’t because of ice. I can get out of my driveway (I left some snow on it from yesterday’s inch or so which gave me some traction as I broke through the ice). But once on the road, I got zero traction. I was lucky to be able to get back into my driveway without skidding down the hill into my neighbor’s home (or at least his car). Stupid freeze line is killing me. We are right near the edge, which is making freezing rain instead of snow. Snow would be great! Ice is not great.

I’ve always felt that an ice storm is a great time for a key party.

What’s a key party?

I work at a Federal building, we have a 4 hour delay, YAY FOR ICE!!! /me goes back the hell to bed…

I dunno, but something makes me nervous about Googling it. The last time someone convinced me to Google a special type of party, I regretted it.

I had to cancel my classes today, both for my safety and my students. College students are not always wise about weather to brave the whether.

(see what I did there? It’s called ummm…poetic switching, or something)

Yeah, I didn’t go in today. It’s nuts out there right now. For once it’s worse in Cincy than Columbus

Yeah, I’m actually near Cambridge. We’re more like you than we are like Columbus today. It’s sitting right at freezing, which is terrible. It’s lightly raining and just freezing up.

If it wasn’t for the five-day weekend I recently had with my family due to snow and -40 temps, I’d be a bit jealous. Grab a camera.

He’s referring to this: The Ice Storm (1997) - IMDb

Texas highways after a nice, big freeze are great. And by “great” I mean “it took me a stupid long time to get to work today”.

I figured he meant some sort of swinger’s party, but couldn’t guess how the ice storm factored in. Sex on ice doesn’t seem that enjoyable…though the image of sex on a bobsled ice slide thingy is hilarious.

Me+WRX-other drivers+snow and ice= guilty pleasure.

Thread title two hours later: I wrecked my WRX. :)

This thread is worthless without awesome ice pictures. The high is 80 degrees today.

Yeah, it’s probably best to keep off the ice if you don’t have tire chains.

Virginia has had super shitty weather the past two days. Yesterday had sleet/slush mess all day. Walking around campus was a pain in the ass. Today is rainy with heavy fog thrown in for good measure. I couldn’t see one street ahead of me while going to work. Was pretty cool though driving over the James River today. The fog blocked anything over the edge of the bridge. Looked like I was driving into Silent Hill.

Ok, here are some pics:

Another one.

Ever popular tall grass:

I knocked out one piece of the ice on our back steps. Turns out it was hollow inside! Looks pretty neat, IMO: