Identity Theft. Or victim punishing 101

Is anyone familiar with Hitbc? Its apparently a crypto currency service and I just got an email asking to verify an account someone tried to activate in my name. I am wondering if this is a scam phishing email or if its an actual attempt to open a crypto currency account in my name. I am kind of wary of going to the site to find out.

Just delete it.

I did. I received 2 more and deleted those. I figured its a phishing scam after doing some research and finding out that this is a tactic they employ often. Another tip off was the unsubscribe link provided at the bottom that is barely visible to the human eye. What sucks is that I don’t even feel safe going there to “unsubscribe” so I guess I’ll play whack a mole until they give up.

Never click on anything. Just mark as spam with your email provider.