Idiot conspiracy theorists

I need to stop visiting this thread, for my IQ’s sake.

Thing to do is not even try to understand it, but to simply read and laugh.

Or ignore. That’s not a bad option either.

I love that one of their citations is “unknown celeb”.

“This picture looks like it was in a magazine, probably, so the person is probably famous?”

It’s even better that the “unknown celeb” is Beyonce.

Number 6! 6! 6!


The only truth worth fighting about is your own personal truth.

So this made me curious and I checked that dude’s twitter… This guy is a fucking wacko. Like, handmaid’s tale is an inspiring tale for them. It follows with 54 numbered points that sound like biblical shit.

Not quite the same level of Q but:

oh god it’s spreading to Canada!!!

Yeah and the leader of the conservative party turned a blind eye to it.

Trump isn’t smart enough to be let in to the Illuminati. He’d have trouble even getting to the door.

My bookmarks have followed me over the years, and in the old folders from Win98 days are Godlikeproductions, Rense, AboveTopSecret and other sites i used to visit for fun to see what the conspiracy theory mob were up to. Now I just read the politics section.

Damn. I had completely forgotten Rense. Seems like he’s gone full Trumptard. Used to be less politics and more UFO, chemtrail, lizard people.

Uh oh.

I was just in a hipster coffee house filled with liberals who were all whispering to themselves that Jacob Wohl’s attempts to cast himself as a sort of young Roger Stone wannabe were likely to end up with the same result: prison.

Who would want to kill Jacob Wohl and deprive the world of so much delicious comedy?

Defrauding the police to own the libs.

(This will end well)

Some more updates, Wohl used an image from a local Minneapolis real estate agent, which is just some identity fraud icing on the shit cake.

I was in a conservative hole in the wall bar and all the cons there were whispering that Jacob Wohl was an assclown who was going to get himself in so much trouble even his daddy won’t be able to buy him out of it.