If this is real Trump really is dumb as $%^@#&

Can we demand that Trump show us his real transcripts now?

Can we argue that these are the legit transcripts until something else is shown?

I also had the grand daddy of all shitty semesters for the same reason! My GPA that semester was 1.23.

Even better, after taking some time out for from school to get married and have a kid, I transferred to another school. My credits transferred but not my grades so I actually finished with a 4.00

Hey, that’s familiar. Grades not quite so low first go, but we’ll below what I expect of myself.

The return, while working 60 hours a week and with an infant, I got 3.9.

The thing is, maybe this was his pattern throughout all of college. squeaking by with D’s the whole way. I mean, why else would the “genius” be so afraid of people seeing his grades?

I suggest not doubling down on conspiracy theory-ing after your initial post was shown to be wrong.

“If you didn’t do anything wrong, what do you have to hide” isn’t the type of principle most of us want to stand behind.

I have no idea of the authenticity of this, but whatever, if it’s a fake, it probably overstates DJT’s academic ‘achievements’. I highly doubt DJT, with his exceptionally low intelligence combined with his laziness, could ever get through college level classes with more than D’s at the very best. Anything more than that on his record was probably obtained via his family’s influence and money.

My very first impression.