If you had to challenge Death for your life

What game would you choose? You get one game, no best out of 3, or any Bill and Ted crap. You play Death in a generally accepted unit of play in said game, be it one match of chess, one round on each side of a TF2 map, or poker until one of you is broke.

Basically: if you death came to you and said “You can live if you beat me in a game of your choosing,” what game would you choose.

I’d like to think I’d have good shot with Team Fortress 2.

you know, i’d probably die. i suck at most games.

Rock, paper, scissors.

Also, I had to read that aloud slowly to understand what you were saying…

What happens in the case of a draw?
There are some pretty good turtling options if this suffices.

I’d say you have to win. Stalemate makes you play a second time.

Well then. An eternity playing endless series of tic-tac-toe draw games with Death is probably better than an eternity in Hell. ;)

I’d kick him in the “balls” and steal his scythe. BOOM, HEADSHOT.

Everybody knows Death doesn’t have balls anymore. Ask Whitta.

You would so get backstabbed.

Death is the ultimate spy. Silent, invisible, and comes in many forms… you never see him coming.

Well, then I’d just play a game of Who Has More Skin. OOOOOH PWNT YOU YOU BONY BITCH!

If it was just the two of us, I’d have to go with Halo 1 on Rat Race with only assault rifles. If we could find a third and fourth player, I’d probably challenge him to Asshole (or President) assuming that we were both rip-roaring by the time the challenge started.

Unfortunately, I’m out of my prime in both games. That’s the problem with Death; he challenges you when you’re least able to fight back competently.

Probably Go, as if death hasn’t played before, there is no way he can beat me.
If he has, though, he’s probably pretty good which is bad news for me.



Maybe COD4, though it depends on his rig and whether I can choose the maps :)

I’d be tempted to follow’s Gygax’s example…

But I’ve never actually played a PnP session of DnD, so probably not a good idea.

I’d probably go with Connect-4 or “Who can drink the most milkshakes.” The first I think I’d have a shot of winning (probably not), the second would just be a fun thing to do before being taken.

I’m reasonably sure I could beat Death at most of the Street Fighter and Virtua Fighter games.

Connect-4 is a solved game.

I’d ask death if he’d make it painless and not gruesome in return for a forfeit.

Ultima IV, but I’d remove the ‘N’ from his keyboard so that he can’t ever get the eighth of Humility.

Q3A. What’s more appropriate than a deathmatch?