This is the thread where the Drunk and Depressed (D&D) OR Drunk and Awkwardly lovey (D&AL) come to share with random internet strangers. If you have come here to make snarky, shitty, “I’m better than you” type comments, get the fuck out.
So I’m officially Drunk and Depressed (D&D) I’m posting because I’ll actually be up untill at least QT3 tonight, just like nearly every night lately. I lost my job in November and have been on unemployment since. Unemployment pays about half of what I was making prior to the lay off. The only jobs I can seem to find pay about the same as unemployment. Why would I take a job that pays the same as me sitting home and playing Dwarf Fortress all day?
My GF just quit her job to go back to school for a Master’s Degree. This was planned a long time prior to me unexpectedly losing my job, but it means that neither of us have an income to speak of. See you eating Mac and Cheese from a box for the concievable future.
I’ve been trying to do my best to live up to my end of the Unemployment insurance guidelines but let me tell you 5 applications per week is not as easy as it sounds. I’ve put my resume into at least 30 different companies in the last couple of months and I’ve had a totall of one, yes, ONE fucking interview. That company told me I was “by far the most qualified candidate” and then called me back the next week to tell me they were holding off on new hires because of the economy. I’ve heard it said that the great Depression wasn’t that bad if you had a job and I’m starting to understand that statement.
Not only do I have no job but I have the worst case of writer’s block that I’ve ever had. I’ve been trying to write lyrics to a couple of songs for weeks and every thing I try sounds like a 5th grader wrote it.
I quit smoking pot when I lost my job. (I’m studying for a drug test) It wasn’t an everyday habit but something I enjoyed when partying, maybe a couple times a month. (I"m not a big drinker btw, but I do like to alter-states once in a while) But now I find myself chain smoking cigs and dreaming about smoking the weed. FOR REAL, dreams like I’ve never had before, dreams about hanging out with fucking Bob Marley and shit and smoking fucking baseball bats. I’m not kidding, it’s driving me nuts.
I’m also at the moment awkwardly lovey with you all. I’ve alway’s loved reading the random geekiness that is QT3, but since the layoff, it’s been one of the highlights of my day. (And, seriously, lately I don’t have much to look forward to)
So this is the “I"m sad” thread. This is the “Feel sorry for me” Thread. This is the “I"m so drunk I love a bunch of random internet geeks” thread. This is the thread where people can vent to the QT3.
This is also may be the thread to read if you want to feel smug about your situation. But this is not the thread to post in if you want to be and asshole. You know who you are.
Oh, and this is not the thread for sympathy. This is a thread for D&D D&AL venting so appropriate comments would be allong the lines of “I hear ya” or “preach on brother” “We heart you too” or some shit like that. I don’t need no sympathies, I just need to vent to a few hundred random strangers.