I'm only going to speak in animated gifs in this thread. ;)

Type A personality.

I love that. Probably not going to watch it quite as much as the woman who can’t take things off shelves, but a close second.

Wow, who is that?

The manager of a Mexican football club.

Edit: Specifically, Miguel Herrera, manager of Club América.

I love the animated, yellow eyebrows.

Heh. That’s what they’re hoping for over at the Googleplex.


It’s exactly the kind of thing I’d do.

No matter how much I stare at that second one, I can’t fathom the chain of events that led to it.

I just hope the person in that poor car on the left is okay. That looks awful.

I’m having the same problem. How did the first trailer get in that position?

Must have been something on top of the trailer that just clipped something protruding from the ceiling and flipped it upwards.

I vaguely remember seeing this video associated with a news story a week or three back. I think the driver was charged with negligence for not having the trailers secured properly. Might have been negligent homicide.

Possible dump truck and for some reason the guy raised the back while moving. The only one I drove you had to be stopped to raise it but that was a long time ago.

No, I think the trailer elevated in front for some reason. Overweight or maybe the weight shifted to the back and he didn’t have it properly secured.

EDIT: I guess my first guess was right.