Immigration in the US

We do have illegal employment here also but it isn’t as common. The person on disability or social security that get penalized if they earn too much. The contractor who doesn’t what to deals with cost and hassle of payroll taxes. What’s the motivation of illegal employment in Spain. Tax avoidance?

You also see the first generation want more for their kids, so they try to find a way to settle down in one area. Then ag needs another wave of employees. This has been going on for generations.

Mostly social security avoidance from the employers. Because how the system works here the direct cash cost of an employee for the employer is about 130% of the gross income that shows on the pay slip. That 30% is mandatory social security benefits the employer pays. Hiring illegally saves unscrupulous employers 25% of their payroll costs. And because the employee does not pay taxes either, the can reduce the gross income even more.

Here we go. Path to citizenship in exchange for the wall.

I am probably going to be 90, God willing, before I ever hear the word “wall” and not feel instant irritation.

“Build my fascist monument or the kids get it”

Just defer actual payment for the wall until later and then remove its funding later.

I think this is actually the most likely outcome of the whole mess.

Trump’s base is going to hate this though; I wonder if Trump’s Glorious Leader powers will overcome the hateful xenophobia of his base. It would be hilarious if Trump started being perceived as a “RINO” by at least a fraction of his base.

It cuts immigration by like, half. Permanently. His base will love this.

I mean, it won’t actually improve any of their lives. Ever. But they’ll like it.

It doesn’t sound like his base is loving it much. House Republicans are absolutely howling about it.

My expectation was that the concept of “AMNESTY NEVER!!!” would actually overcome any kind of rational reaction by his base. Sure enough, I held my nose and went to Breitbart and the headline right now is “Details: Don’s Amnesty Bonanza”. The top two articles in their list are “Big Amnesty Now: Nothing for Americans Until 2027” and “Warning: Plan Extends Citizenship for Aliens to Potentially Uncontrollable Levels”.

I’m honestly curious how this will play out (in a sick curiosity kind of way).

The idea that there could exist a “path to citizenship” for any group is worth $20 billion for a stupid wall. Take the deal.

Also, in the context of my recent posts on employer level enforcement, Trump’s Awesome Immigration Plan does not include mandatory E-Verify. That means the plan will cut legal immigration by a lot, but I believe the impact on illegal immigration will be much smaller.

This means the xenophobic right is correct to be alarmed by this: from their PoV it will be similar to the 1988 amnesty.

Note: the 1988 amnesty and it’s colossal failure are a huge bone to pick on the right; one of the major areas of hatred between the base and the GOP elite. If you folks are not familiar with it, I can provide a bit of info.

Where are you seeing this? I read the proposal in the post and it doesn’t mention anything about changing the total number of immigrants.

I believe that it stems from the implied changes to the F3 and F4 visas (which apply to family members) which account for like 90k visas a year, along with what would happen if they eliminated the lottery visas instead of reallocating them.

Please. My understanding of that deal is very superficial. I’d appreciate insight.

They state in the paper they are going to reallocate the lottery visa to clearing the backlog for existing family visas and skill based visas.

It is really hard to figure out how many permanent immigrants we allow today, so I’m suspicious of these claims.

Allowing all Dreamer to stay is a good thing. I also think eliminating the green card lottery and limiting family visa to immediate family are also a good idea. Building the wall is waste of money, allocating more to border security isn’t my top priority but not really a waste of money.

All in all it seems like a pretty reasonable proposal.

In the current rules, US citizens can sponsor spouse, parents, kids, and siblings. Kids 18 year and older, and siblings of any age are put on a decade long priority queue. Spouse and minor children have much higher priority.

While I can somewhat understand restrictions put on sponsoring the siblings, the new WH proposal will also stop US citizens to sponsor their older children. I don’t think, many people come through this channel, because the queues are long (and growing longer) and the processing so slow and onerous, that annual rate of such immigrants remain low.