Immigration in the US

I read that this morning. Pure evil.

They have no business trying to place these children that quickly. They tore up two families for nothing but political points. Anyone who winds up fostering or even trying to adopt children from this situation should absolutely know the program is a mess, and they are at risk of having the children taken away.

What do you mean parents? These children came across the border with criminals who are clearly not people, so they are sadly just unaccompanied minors. It’s in their best interest! We <3 kids.


But of course that is what is happening.

We just need to hire more serial killers. I’m sure they’re looking.

Using available statistics from the last two years, Amnesty further reports that in 2017 and 2018, the Trump administration appears to have separated approximately 8,000 “family units” along the border. Even if half of the people referred to in that figure were parents, the remaining 4,000 children would dwarf the total number of kids commonly reported to have been impacted by the “zero tolerance” campaign — that total tends to hover between 2,500 to 3,000.

While crossing the Rio Grande in the journey’s final stretch, Helen slipped from their raft and risked drowning. Her grandmother grabbed her hand and cried, “Hang on, Helen!” When the family reached the scrubland of southern Texas, U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended them and moved them through a series of detention centers. A month earlier, the Trump Administration had announced, amid public outcry over its systemic separation of migrant families at the border, that it would halt the practice. But, at a packed processing hub, Christian was taken from Noehmi and placed in a cage with toddlers. Noehmi remained in a cold holding cell, clutching Helen. Soon, she recalled, a plainclothes official arrived and informed her that she and Helen would be separated. “No!” Noehmi cried. “The girl is under my care! Please!”

Noehmi said that the official told her, “Don’t make things too difficult,” and pulled Helen from her arms. “The girl will stay here,” he said, “and you’ll be deported.” Helen cried as he escorted her from the room and out of sight. Noehmi remembers the authorities explaining that Helen’s mother would be able to retrieve her, soon, from wherever they were taking her.
According to a long-standing legal precedent known as the Flores Settlement, which established guidelines for keeping children in immigration detention, Helen had a right to a bond hearing before a judge; that hearing would have likely hastened her release from government custody and her return to her family. At the time of her apprehension, in fact, Helen checked a box on a line that read, “I do request an immigration judge,” asserting her legal right to have her custody reviewed. But, in early August, an unknown official handed Helen a legal document, a “Request for a Flores Bond Hearing,” which described a set of legal proceedings and rights that would have been difficult for Helen to comprehend. (“In a Flores bond hearing, an immigration judge reviews your case to determine whether you pose a danger to the community,” the document began.) On Helen’s form, which was filled out with assistance from officials, there is a checked box next to a line that says, “I withdraw my previous request for a Flores bond hearing.” Beneath that line, the five-year-old signed her name in wobbly letters.


There’s something seriously screwed up about this. My sister and her family went to NY Comic Con recently. They had to spend a fair amount of their line time describing to my nephew why the green ranger is not in costume but is still the green ranger. He’s four.

How the hell can we have children signing this stuff. Shouldn’t we have government lawyers involved all the way through?

Because the system is fucked.

Jesus fucking Christ. My daughter is five. My blood is literally boiling right now.

These people are evil. They must be removed from all positions of power as soon as possible.

Wahlen, oder Ich shicke die beiden daruber!

Who are “die beiden” (both of them, the pair) in this scenario?

You’re requiring more specificity than the metaphor needs.

(it’s a line from Sophie’s Choice)

Ach so, nun verstehe ich. Vielen Dank!

(BTW you missed a couple of umlauts there. The US International keyboard layout is super useful for these things.)


Stealing this for another thread.