Immortal Defense - unparalleled TD finally makes it to Steam

I started playing it again, as it’s truly a good TD. I didn’t remember how original were the turrets themselves, there is a great variety of them. Some shoot normally, other in spiral, other need a companion of the same type to work, others buff the rest, one increase skill as it kills enemies, some are cheap to upgrade and others aren’t, they have different range of course, etc. Some enemies accelerate in straight lines, others regenerate hp, and more.

Never heard of it. Thanks!

Nobody seems to like Unstoppable Gorg as much as I do. I really liked the rotating orbital rings. Adjusting them efficiently had a big effect on the outcome. It’s in my top 2 tower defense games for sure.

I liked the concept (and style) initially, but ultimately I found it too hard to know if my adjustments were improving things or making things worse.

Basically you just look at the fields of fire. Usually it’s a matter of trying to maximize the number of enemies traveling through the towers’ kill zones. There are times you need to tweak it frequently and others where you set it and leave it until a new wave comes out or the current wave makes it to the point the tower isn’t in an effective spot.

I loved Unstoppable Gorg. Absolutely awesome game with such a retro story! The ring mechanic was a great change for tower placement.

I’d never heard of Unstoppable Gorg before so thanks for the tip robc04.

Brian and Rock8man: it’s not quite as active as Orcs Must Die, but as someone who’s playing on the hardest difficulty you simply cannot afford to just watch your towers do their jobs in Immortal Defense because your pointer is instrumental in managing the tides. Your pointer (you) can attack enemies directly (and like the Pride point, I believe your attacks get stronger as you damage or kill more), you can mark them so your towers focus their fire, you can charge an attack that gets additional and more powerful levels as you complete each campaign, and your charged attacks can attract certain projectiles (handy for redirecting stray mines which are very powerful). And of course you have to place new towers and upgrade existing ones on the fly, keeping an eye on the ebb and flow of the waves so your defences stay ahead of the enemy’s power curve.

There used to be a hearty demo out there (featuring the first two campaigns) but I’m not sure it exists any more.

TurinTur: yeah, the unusual towers and enemies are a real draw if you’re fed up of the typical TD fare. The game itself is really great but I think the story and how it spills over into the mechanics is the real winner here. TD and story just aren’t things you’d usually put together, and put together well at that.

Sorry for forgetting to reply to this thread; the demo does still exist, but hasn’t been updated with the updates I made to the Steam version, so it’s still the demo I released in 2009. I didn’t make a new demo for this Steam version because it’d be very time-consuming to do so and because it’s such an old game that my priority is to focus on finishing my current game project (Saturated Dreamers, a game I’ve been working on for the last 8 years), but if anyone still wants the old demo it’s here: – it doesn’t have any of the improvements I made for the Steam version though (such as the improved graphics or widescreen mode or medals system) so it may not be the best representation of the full game.

And yeah the patch that someone mentioned above did fix some of the issues mentioned earlier in this thread, such as the escape button issue. If anyone else has any further suggestions for improvement let me know (or post them on the game’s Steam forums).