Immortals Fenyx Rising is what happens when everything comes together perfectly

All the Greeks in Greekia, especially in the province of Greecioma speak English with Greek accents.

Dunno what to tell you, man, I don’t make the rules. :-)

Now I’m imagining Jehovah sounding exactly like Jackie Mason. ‘I send you manna from heaven, this isn’t good enough for you?’

I asked Kassandra about that and all she said was “malaka”.

I know, right? Everyone knows everyone back then had a British accent.

I’d accept a reeeaaally thick Long Island accent.

You mean a Lon Guyland accent, right? ;-)

(literally the only feature of a Long Island accent I know about, as someone who’s never spent any time in NYC)

It’s the Grecian Formula.

Oh, man, Grecian Formula, that takes me back. Was it Grecian Formula 16? The stuff that supposedly didn’t color your hair but “took away the gray?”

I’m not going to say this is a better game than BotW, but it is so much more of a game for me.

Yous nevah been ta Noo Yawk? Fuhgedaboutid!

I totally get what Rock8man is saying. This has sometimes bugged me as well.

Watch an English language film set in France, everyone speaks English with a French accent. No, they’re really speaking French, so the accent doesn’t matter. Yet in every film I’ve seen set in Ancient Rome, mostly everyone has some Brit (if Brit actors) or pseudo Brit accent (if non Brit actors).

I lived on Long Island until I was 21. When I moved to MN all I had to do was say “Hi” and people would say “You’re from New York, aren’t you?”. I don’t even have the accent anymore.

The weird thing is - there are rules, unspoken though they are, and you break them at your peril. Only certain accents are allowed in certain situations, even if logic says there’s no reason why Ancient Romans speaking English shouldn’t sound like they’re from L.A. or Toronto or wherever.

One of the odder ones is that strong regional American accents generally aren’t allowed in far-future science fiction, but British regional accents are. I.e. you can have a Scotty or a Miles O’Brien, but you can’t have a Noo Yawker or a Chicaaagohan on Star Trek. And Bones only gets to be southern when he’s drunk.

The exception to this being The Expanse, because it’s in the books.

It’s to let you know these are civilized people.

I’m still waiting for the Robin Hood movie where all the nobles speak french.

That last bit would be funny. Of course to be historically accurate they’d have to be speaking 13th Century (?-- whenever the Crusade happened that Richard the Lionhearted was in) French and Robin and his buddies would be speaking late Middle English or something. Subtitles for all languages!

I would watch this.

There are parts of the first season of Vikings where they had the Vikings speaking danish or whatever, and the Saxons speaking their version of English, and everyone getting confused, all subtitles, and it worked t o show the lack of understanding.

Didn’t realize this was out on PC, picked it up for 20 bucks. Pretty darned good! I feel that they were polite in introducing mechanics and then allowing reasonably quick ways to get quality of life improvements, I spent too much time on the starter island just for fun, trying areas I wasn’t strong enough for. I still managed to clear a few, like the Night Chest, and some others properly spanked me. This is one where I’ll play for an hour or two and try to find a nice break point, saving while I’m looking at the next area I need to explore.

Do you have to buy it at Ubisoft’s site? Does Steam have it?

Nope, but like Sniper Elite 5, it’s on Gamepass :)

No, it was a complete shitshow as far as buying it on Epic, linking accounts, etc. FWIW, it took a few minutes but damn they were annoying minutes.