Impossible to swat a fruit fly? Now with scientific results and poll!

I think the flies got Jeff :(

Or JP joined the flies.

I mean, they work really well for flying insects of all sorts. Can’t imagine they would work with roaches, though.

Roaches fly. :-/

I guess they do, but they are also pretty huge. I doubt one of these could kill a bat either, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t super effective at what they are meant to kill.

The electrified tennis rackets are super effective for flies. Fruit flies might be on the small side if they could pass through the weave, but it would probably work fine.

I can’t imagine launching projectiles at very small fast moving objects and hoping to make contact. I’d need a targeting computer to give me a hand on that.

I have glimpsed the future, and it has miniature turrets on my windowsills.

And while I think of it, a tiny little motorized dustpan and brush.

Holy crap I had no idea there were this many fruit flies in the house!
So far it’s been an amazing experiment:

Which killed more fruit flies?
  • Apple cider vinegar with saran wrap on top with toothpick sized holes?
  • Apple cider vinegar with lots of soap drops with no cover?
  • Wine in bottom of glass?
  • Bathroom Mirror - SPLAT!

0 voters


  • 21 fruit flies killed by covered apple cider vinegar with toothpick sized holes
  • 80+ fruit flies killed by uncovered apple cider vinegar with lots of soap droplets mixed in.
  • 0 killed by wine. Guessing they got drunk and flew into various walls instead.
  • 7 fruit flies killed on bathroom mirror by my hand.

I am ashamed of my vote now. I thought it was going to be one of those trick question type things where you’re only asking because it’s a crazy result. In hindsight the method I’ve used time and again should have been my answer! :)

Actually usually I do both the wrap with holes and the soap in apple cider vinegar.

I chose the mirror two. I was backing the underdog.