Some Incremental/Idle/Clicker Games (including really a lot of Incremental Epic Hero 2)

When I cloud save the client dies within 5 minutes. Every time without fail.

God dammit, just saw this on the Discord:

Meanwhile, on Trimps, just got to Magma for the first time. Haven’t managed to finish a Spire yet, though that is partly because I keep forgetting to respec.

I think you’re right, it’s just not working yet. I tried exporting a save using the in-game button and A) it didn’t actually export the file (this may have been because I was on a Deck) and B) it crashed the game within a couple minutes after doing so. Just like the cloud save stuff.

Haven’t had any issues with the cloud save myself, even going from PC to Mac.

I turned off the settings notifications after @aeneas mentioned that and I haven’t had a crash since. I did get a proper file save though, playing on PC.

Hey guys. Check it out.
It’s an… Idle Clicker.

FYI I logged the cloud save crashing via the dev’s bug channel in discord. It’s the most logged bug in the last couple of weeks.

@espressojim what did you level up with your first WA points?

A level in Area Booster is a given (2 points), but a second sounds tempting. However, I read it’s another 4 points, which starts to limit what I can do after. A level in guild xp gain and skill proficiency gain (3) seems like the next choices. If I do two levels of AB maybe I would grab the tier 1 pre-rebirth as my last. But if I only do the one level then I can look at taking additional levels of something else and pre-rebirth 2. Not sure about the Bonus expansion; seems like it will be strong down the road but it doesn’t seem like it would help with getting back up to speed as much.

2 Guild
2 Area Booster (probably the best skill!)
1 point pre-rebirth 1
1 point rebirth tier 1 bonus

I could WA again right now and get 21 more points. I just RB3’d the 5 heroes I have, I should probably level up some of those uniques so I can hold onto them after WA (I have 1 whole milestone unlocked, so I don’t carry anything with me yet.)

Good to know. I actually might snag an 11th point. I’m close on area milestones (45/50). Right now I’m getting a few areas/dungeons unlocked I never got unlocked and just farming mats. I kind of want to wait until I get the thief to level a few uniques though, just because (I already did Bat Sword).

I assume the Archer is eventually going to be an insane powerhouse, since they can clear at such a long range. That will make accumulating area milestones much easier in the future.

Man, you guys seem to be advancing a lot faster than me. I’m kind of stuck in a rut of doing T2/T1 rebirths over and over. Tried to push to 250 yesterday and fell pretty far short. Still only have 4 WA points.

My first pass through the game I was going to hold out on WA until I had my thief level some items to max, but that was going to take a week.

Turns out a week past WA, I was far past where I was before the WA, so waiting a week would not have saved me time. It’s really not a big deal to start some aspects over, given you keep your character titles, many unlocks (town, areas) etc.

My real playtime shows 43 days. I’ve been playing longer, so I think that part is natural. I didn’t do a T3 rebirth before WA either, I didn’t have the patience. Incrementals are all about hitting that reset when the numbers stop going up, so hopefully you’ll pass your milestones soon. It took me 30d to hit first WA. The game is much “faster” after the first few days post WA.

The Area Booster skill gives you more clears per level. But that means you can kill swarms faster and get better rewards (exp Boost to cash in your quests!) you get more town materials (it’s 100% bonus per point!), and you can unlock new areas more easily. It’s super good, no need to wait around forever before you get it.

The key to doing a t3 rebirth, pre-WA (I’ve done it) is a shitload of highest dungeon you can do runs. There’s a pet that allows you to redo it. Because I played very disorganized for a spell, but was dilligent about dailies, I had quite a pile of portal coins or whatever saved up. It took a shitload just to get to 276, which was my t3 ascend destination (24 levels of the temple leaf research, which is the most important pre WA research). Honestly probably 100+. Even with a ton of xp bonuses (I had over level 50 of the tier 1 rebirth xp bonus skill), your xp gain just falls off a map at level 240+ if all you’ve got unlocked is the fairy area. And getting past that requires a shitload of slow to farm town mats.

I’m about to WA, but work has been super busy so I haven’t done it yet (decided not go push the last few items, I’ll just have to re-farm).

There’s some really good quests that unlock at level 250 that will help you push for a T3.

I highly suggest you wait to open your daily chest with the EXP boost until you’re ready to cash in a bunch of quests. Then do the big dungeon run with the bonus XP active. I definitely blew 10-20 orbs for that.

I’m terrible at spending orbs in general though, I have 644 sitting around. It is nice that there are a bunch of dungeons opening up that have very high XP rewards - when you can run a dungeon that gives you 25-30 levels in 3 minutes, i can see where all the orbs would go.

I’m not even pushing for T3, to be honest, I just wanted to get 250 for the quests and the RB bonus. I got to around 230 with the help of some title quests but stalled out and ran out of orbs for dungeons, so I’m back to lower level rebirths. I feel like I’ve done quite a lot of RB1s (EXP gain in the high 30s on all three active heroes) but if I look at the Ascension tab I’m not even a third of the way to the first level of Rebirther 1, so I guess I just have to spend a lot more time doing autorebirths, but that’s pretty boring.

I didn’t see this mentioned, but it looks like they fixed cloud saves on Steam yesterday. I was able to load my Deck save onto my desktop and continue running it there.

IEH2: I can right-click on quest titles to accept and claim them? Thank you, help system, for putting that tidbit in there. It doesn’t objectively seem like a big thing but it’s as great quality-of-life improvement for me.

RB3 at last!

So I am a little over a week past my first WA. I’m ready to push the warrior for a T3 rebirth (he’s back to ~50 of the tier 1 xp gain skill, and done a few t2 rebirths to boot), which won’t take long. Top row of town structures is either rank 3 or about to be. I wasn’t super optimal but was spitting distance of a few additional WA milestones (I unlocked one); next time I will shoot for more of them. But in the mean time I’m working on title quests and gear leveling for various classes. And it’s time to push for some tier 2/tier 3 rebirthing.

But yeah, getting back up and running is super fast. I am ahead of my pre WA progress in many places, in a fraction of the time. I unlocked fire nets and grabbed red magislimes, which are a massive QoL boost (auto increase mystic water cap).