Independent Game Stores

To note, over the last few years, it’s my understanding that Magic has experienced an enormous resurgence in popularity which, alongside the rebirth of D&D + a handful of newly popular tournament-friendly miniatures games like X Wing, tabletop-focused hobbyshops are in pretty okay shape, overall. WotC plays hardball on a lot of stuff that can be annoying for them, but if you’re the WotC-Preferred Vendor for your region (or whatever the term is), rocking out official Friday Night Magic Promos, D&D Encounters materials, etc., you can draw a real crowd exclusively for that stuff several nights a week. Throw in an X-Wing night, free-play board games night, and maybe hook up with a local nerdy Meetup group (as some of our local stores do with the enormous RPG Meetup, RTR) for their event, and you’ve got a 30+ crowd hanging around every night of the week. Add in a snacks-and-drinks stand at modest markup and keep a healthy supply of card protectors, dice accessories, and RPG accoutrements and you’re doing okay. Not, like, amazing, and margins are thin on a lot of the main products, but it’s not a financial tragedy!