Inept civilizations of our time: Egyptians in AOM

So how does anyone win a game with those lazy cowards? Their pre-Mythic units fight like little girls, their single hero is the weakest in the game, and while they are predisposed to the “turtle” strategy that doesn’t really help because even the strongest walls and towers in AOM crumble easily under infantry attack.

Everyone says the Norse take so much getting used to but I found them quite easy to play – it’s the Egyptians that I can’t get a grip on. Anyone having success with this sorry bunch?

Econ, econ, econ. At least, that’s what everyone on Mr. Fixit and Heavengames says.

Their troops require a bit more micro than anyone else’s, too.

Actually, if you can get to the later stages then the Egyptians are quite powerful. You can get the Roc which is like a huge transport ship and you can get dropped off anywhere in the map. You also do major damage with the toranado that the one Egyptian god grant you.

And lets not forget they get the Elephant, which is like getting an armor tank and they get heavy Camaels which can do massive damage. But all of the benefits they they reap come from the later stages of the game.

And getting to the later stages w/ the Egyptians is so hard.


From what I’ve seen… Slingers, slingers and more slingers with a big, fat pile of gold rushing in is how people win with Egyptians.


Here’s a savegame of an extremely good (ranked #1 at the moment) Egyptian player.

A few things gleaned from examination of the stats for the top 20 players:

Every last one of them builds 25 villagers before aging to Classical.

They devote about 1/3 to 1/2 of their pop cap to villagers.

Extra settlements (and the fortified town center tech) for the pop cap space are far more important than they look.

They’re all aggressive.

Forward building early works pretty well.

They’re all good at the use of counters (watch a few recorded games).

They have little in the way of surplus resources for the first 3/4s of the game.

Surprisingly, in the recorded games I’ve watched, there’s very little wacky tricks or superhuman micromanaging.

Does anyone know how to turn on the clock? I remember it being in the demo.

F4 and F11 turn on the scores and timer.

Current opinion is that the 3rd age Egyptian rush is very (perhaps overly) powerful, especially Ra and Set.

Maybe so, but my problem is to survive until the 3rd age in the first place…

Is it somehow mandatory for Egyptians to ally with a Greek or Norse player, so as to keep enemy raiding parties off your back while you’re trying to whip your lazy bum workers into gathering some resources?

Right now it seems to me as if playing the Egyptians means taking a gamble that you won’t get attacked until you get your stronghold, because prior to that – or if you’re spending lots of resources on defenses – you don’t stand a chance against the other cultures.

Really the Egyptians are the best all round culture, its probably just that your approaching them incorrectly after learning how to play the Norse - it was the exact opposite for me. I’ll try not to ramble for too long, but here, hopefully this will help;

Overall goal in multiplayer should be to reach the 2nd age with a sub 6 time. At least the first 9-10 villagers on food always, in every situation. Always research hunting dogs, and always hunt first or as soon as possible, unless you’ve a specific strat. Build at least 3 barracks if your planning to do any fighting at all in classic (and if your behind be sure to empower each of them in turn to build them faster), more if you’ve got a specific strategy in mind. Add a couple myth units for their good damage and high hit points. Centralize production around your empowering Pharaoh as much as possible, i.e, over-produce resources ahead of time in anticipation of their use, and use empowerment to overcome any specific resource deficits. Remember classic age fights usually revolve around foodless units like Throwing Axemen or Slingers, only the Greeks will regularly build masses of units that cost food in their Hippikons (cavalry).

Some general starts and strats for the three major gods;
Isis relies upon her priests building obilisks to scout, which means getting hunting dogs first is difficult without crippling your early game scouting. Instead build the Monument to Villagers at the very start of the game, and then live off of forage bushes/chickens and sheep/cows as long as you can by sending more vills to gather food from them than you would normally. Stay at home and start farming in the 1st age - 2nd age transition or go hunting if its safe. Use Prosperity when you need extra gold for farms, or save it for later after youve a couple gold mining upgrades. A ‘typical’ Isis player goes Isis-Anubis-Nephthys-Osiris since the Ancestors and Serpents god powers are so useful in their respective ages. Isis has a strong economy but few tricks.

Set has the best scouting of the game, of any culture or major god. Use vision to reveal the center of the map towards your opponent, and shift-queue your priest to convert several animals, prefering predators to prey species. You can research Feral before reaching the 2nd age but do this only with great caution (if you use it at all). Remember you get several free animals at the start of each new age, which you can either use in combat or as a source of food; also remember these animals take pop space so be sure to overbuild houses. Since Set tends to have so many animals hunting is a guaranteed payoff as a food income source. Set has by a slight degree the best slingers, and gets Anubites, so is the strongest classic age culture in Egypt/Egypt battles.

Ra has the worst scouting of the game. You have to use the Pharaoh to scout and your priest to empower; the one advantage is that you can afford to pick up the odd relic you come across. Send your Pharaoh back home eventually. Ra has a nice 3rd age rush by organizing their econ to build farms in the 1st Age- 2nd Age transition, often by staying in the first age longer than one would normally, then hitting the Rain god power to boom your food income; this is ideal because rain gives your opponent a boost as well, but only Egypt civs can build farms in the first age, so this will catch your enemy, hopefully, with few or no farms. Try to research plow, and if you can, the Cats of Bast, before using rain to really bring the food in.

A nice trick strategy with Ra or Set combines a fast 3rd age with Ptah’s Shifting Sands and Sehkmet’s Citadel god power - find a settlement as near to your opponent as you can, rush to the third age, use shifting sands on several villagers and your pharaoh or a Ra priest and send them to that settlement (be sure to have LOS of the area), empower build it and a Midgol behind it (not in front it has fewer hitpoints). When your enemy inevitably send his large 2nd age army to stop you, use Citadel to buff your foward base. Go on from there with your grand plans.

Phew, lots of words. Hope this helps some.[/i]

Eeew. I rarely play MP, and I don’t like timing my gameplay like that. That’s something I never liked about the Age games or RTS games in general, it feels like a sporting event and not like a game. :(

Thanks for the hints, but from your description it does sound as if the Egyptians need a lot of expertise and micromanagement early on in order to get them to 3rd age ASAP which is where they’ll stop sucking. I’m slowly getting better at using them, though. After dropping the difficulty back to Moderate I held up fairly well.

One computer Egyptian, had the same problem I have, by the way – the other players harrassed them a bit early on and this totally knocked them out of the game because Egypt is so dependent on a top-notch economy. All they managed to send back at me were puny slingers which I could beat up with my villagers. Didn’t even lose one… how pathetic is that?

A 6 minute classical doesn’t require too much micro or planning.

  1. Churn up out villagers up to a 25 pop cap, building 2 houses and a temple on the way(with a little lead time for each so your TC isn’t idle, if possible). As long as you build work sites next to whatever you’re gathering to minimize walk times, and try to keep idle villager time to a reasonable minimum (hunting can be a pain, sometimes), you’ll be fine. A semi-unknown feature is that you can shift-click through bushes and herd animals you want, the same as waypoints for military units.

  2. As soon as you’ve got your 25 villagers and 400 food for classical, split them up in a ratio sufficient to constantly churn out the kind of troops you want. When you age up, drop one or two barracks and start producing. You’ll eventually want to build lots more barracks so you can quickly use stockpiled resources to get back up to the pop cap when you lose troops in battle.

  3. 6 gatherers on food is about enough to keep up constant production villagers, which you need to do to win big; the really good players appear to use about 1/3 to 1/2 of their pop cap for villagers.

I took the gather rates for the villagers and applied a few fudge factors for the walk distance and the like, producing the following ratios for constant Egyptian unit production. For example, to keep one barracks busy constantly producing spearman takes 8.5 gatherers on food and 2.5 on gold. The large deltas are chiefly due to build time differents.


Spearman 8.5/0/2.5

Axeman 6/0/3.5

Slinger 0/5.5/2

Chariot Archer 0/22/8

War Elephant 18.5/0/5.5

Camel Rider 8.5/0/9.5

If you’re not hyper-obsessive you can get away with just splitting villagers up based on the display cost ratios until you have enough resources coming in. This would be 2.5 on food to 1 on gold for a 50 food/25 gold spearman, for example.

A note of warning: wood gathering is a lot slower than it looks, due to the atrocious time spent walking around; gold is faster than appears, due to the work camps being right next to the gold mine; and food is a complete crapshoot, depending on how fast you are at hunting.

Okay, I’ve won a game on Medium as the Egyptians against the… Egyptians. Seems the key is indeed to keep your economy rolling and get up to Heroic Age as fast as possible. Once you have enough resources to build multiple Migdol strongholds and let them crank out chariot archers, camels & elephants, the Egyptians are so strong that they don’t even need myth units.

The problem is getting there. Just a handful of unopposed Greek hoplites can tear down a Migdol stronghold in 30 seconds – what is this thing made of, cardboard and spit? Conversely, the Egyptian barracks units are so pathetically weak you don’t even need to intercept them if you have a tower and a few villagers (!) in the vicinity.

Having a civilization like the Egyptians makes sense in a way – they require a hyper-effective economy but eventually get very powerful units as a reward. Still it’s rather counter-intuitive and not very satisfying to see Greek or Norse infantry tear down buildings in seconds while Egyptian infantry loses against mere villagers…

I guess I just preferred the way Age of Kings was balanced – you absolutely needed siege equipment or very strong late-game units to destroy buildings, but in unit vs unit combat even the lowliest spearman could hold his own. Just seemed more obvious and allowed for a more defensive and less “culture conscious” style of playing.