Is Arrested Development the best thing on TV?

It’s where I saw the commercial for the limited release of Napolean Dynamite and that was enough to get me looking for the movie which happened to be showing at a local film festival.

I didn’t realize the season 1 DVD was out. I’ll have to add that to my Christmas list.

It really is a great show.

I’ll have to watch this. I don’t catch all that much television, in favor of the PC, but David Cross is a damn funny man. Just finished the most recent DVD release of Mr.Show, Season 4. I’ll have to give Arrested Development a shot. Is it a network show?

I’m a chuckler. Even during the funniest shows/movies/etc…, the most you’ll get out of me is a smile and little chuckle, even if I think it’s a riot.

But the first scene I saw of Arrested Development was the one where Michael is talking to his accountant in his office, and he is complaining about the temperature of the office, so they go back and forth between the office and a conference room, and eventually the scene ends up with Michael’s brother naked in the office. By the end of the scene I was laughing so hard, no sound was coming from my mouth, tears, yes cliched tears, were coming out of my eyes, and although I was not on the floor, I was doubled over.

So if it’s not the best thing on TV, please tell me what is. Now if I could just managed to catch more than once every other month, and I’d be happy.

Best, is a little further than I could go. As far as comedies, I would have to put Curb Your Enthusiasm up there, but I think it is funnier than Scrubs, although I like it a lot as well.

The ensemble cast, works as good as any on TV that is for sure and the writing has to be among the best. So I will hedge my bets and say the opposite of what my fist sentence says and say that as far as laughs, CYE is my pick. Arrested Development may be best overall.

So to clarify:

  1. (maybe really 2.) Curb Your Enthusiasm
  2. (maybe really 1.) Arrested Development
  3. Scrubs (Wait I forgot the Simpsons)
  4. Full House reruns on Nickelodeon

After the horrible, self-indulgent disaster that was the last Curb Your Enthusiasm season, I’m amazed that anyone can still put this show on the top of any list. I’m not much for jumping the shark stuff, but having Larry spend the whole season on The Producers, with frequent guest shots from Mel Brooks, and wrap up with a cheesy ending lifted from the movie/play in question was really pathetic. Expecially since Larry actually came out on top in the end. Part of the fun for me was always seeing Larry get smacked around, so this ending just seemed corny and lame.

Also, the celeb guest shots were way over the top. One of the things I liked about Curb was that Larry was such a jerk that even though he was a Hollywood bigshot, everybody still hated him. That’s still going on, but it’s hard to see with him palling around with Ted Danson, Ben Stiller, Mel Brooks, David Schwimmer, etc. every episode.

If not fot that great LA Dodger game episode with the hooker, last season was a complete waste of time.

“What were his last words?”
“I just blue myself.”

It’s number one on my TiVo season pass list, so that means yes. I’ve been telling people about this show since last season but until recently couldn’t even get anyone to watch it.

“No you’re the chicklet!”

Obviously, I would have to disagree. However, I will admit to only seeing about half the episodes last season. The other half were destroyed in the Great Summer TiVo Hard Drive Crash of 2004. Maybe I only saw the “good” half and did not notice as large a dropp off. The Grand Finale with his performance sucked lots 'o ass, though.

Scrubs and Arrested Development are the only comedies I Tivo. Both make me laugh out loud, which is more than I can say about any other show I’ve seen in years.

Actually, Seinfeld is still my favorite show ever. I still laugh out loud during many episodes and my wife and I actually use lines from the show all the time. I know it’s considered a bit blase to say Seinfeld is the best, but I have to say that it is. To be fair though, I have only watched the first 4 or 5 episodes of AD.


I love the way they’re subtly picking on George Michael’s new girlfriend.

“That girl? What is she funny or something?”

I really love Henry Winkler’s character the best though.

Barry: Are all the guys in here, you know…?
George, Sr.: Oh, no, no, no, not all of them.
Barry: Yeah, it’s never the one’s you hope.
George, Sr.: Hope?
Barry: Think.

Best Winkler moment: In the bathroom at the courthouse after everyone else has left, he turns to the mirror and just as he is about to comb his hair… he gives the classic Fonze pose. No “ehhhh” but man it was great all the same.

I would also like to add my love for Scrubs and Arrested Development. About the only two shows I make time to watch/Tivo. I read that the Scrubs Season 1 DVD should be out soon if you want some more laughs.

“Am I still in prison?”
“You’re in the hospital.”

“Alright… Ill be in the hospital bar.”
“You are aware that hospitals dont have bars right?”
“Well, this is why people don’t like hospitals.”

Yes, the show is pure genius. I only saw part of a couple eps out of order last year cause I think it was opposite something else I watched (Alias maybe?), but I liked what I saw so I picked up the DVDs. I put the first disc in that night only planning to watch a couple episodes, but sat there laughing hysterically for the entire disc.

I’m so glad it’s back for another year. Fox really needs to have a loss leader if it’s lineup is ever going to stop being a joke.

I think my favorite moment so far is when George Michael burnt down the banana stand filled with cash. Lindsey cage dancing for the workers while her mother drove by was really funny too. Oh, and “front piece”.

“No touching!”

Buster thinking he was in Mexico while being in Santa Ana nearly caused irreperable damage to my carpet. Drinking anything while watching Arrested Development is dangerous work.

Or when the Fonz was postulating where he could have gotten poison oak and they flashed a picture of a highway rest area. Closely followed by the “nah, can’t make it, I have a lakers game,” and the subsequent reshowing of said highway rest area. Yep, still laughing.

Keep 'em coming!

How about George Sr. staging a faked drug bust to scare his son, using Gob’s stripper friends for cops? “Look, it’s the police…and, umm, some construction workers…”


I’ve got to pick up this DVD.