Is Arrested Development the best thing on TV?

My four favorite words to say are “Bob Loblaw’s law blog”.


That’s the genius of the show, right? They already had a brilliantly idiotic name, and then they took it to another level. I laughed so much when that came up.

You, sir, are a mouthful.

What gets me is the disclaimer on his commercial: “Bob Loblaw no hablo espanol.”

That's a low blow, Loblaw

I’m pretty sure I fell off the couch the first time I saw that episode.

I’m not there yet. But I have reached the last episode of Season 2. So I just have to get through Season 3’s thirteen episodes over the next three nights. Very do-able.

I have to admit, the ‘character’ of Franklin had me laughing out loud. Especially when controlled by Tony Hale’s character.

3.5 episodes to go for tonight. I wonder what time tonight they’ll pull the plug?

I might have to skip Tom’s Live Stream tonight.

I must say, the third season is just fantastic. The production values on the show are way better, the guest stars are all awesome, the jokes are funnier, and I’m actually starting to like these horrible people.

Great season, and a great show. I’m glad I binged. Now I can go at a more normal pace and watch the fourth season at a more reasonable pace.

Hah, I totally missed the Seaward reference.

I actually don’t get that one. Can someone explain to me what I’m missing? What does seaward mean?


Oh, I get it now. Haha. Arrested Development’s humour is too sophisticated for me.

The show also really benefits from rewatching. There are a number of jokes that are referenced far in advance.

Exactly. I just call people cunts. /shrug

Awesome news.Will have to queue up a rewatch for S1-4 to coincide with the new episodes.

Officially confirmed via Netflix now as well.

A hearty “you go girl” for that gif.