Is Battleblock Theater the game as good as Battleblock Theater the trailer?

Title Is Battleblock Theater the game as good as Battleblock Theater the trailer?
Author Tom Chick
Posted in Games
When April 4, 2013

The remarkable thing about the Battleblock Theater trailer is that it does nothing to make me want to play the game -- egad, that looks like a lot of pointless jumping about -- but it's nevertheless hilarious..

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Tom this is a tangent, but I finally notice one "Nick Diamon" is also writing for the front page. I must have missed his debutante party, or is he one of the forum regulars hiding behind his real name???

That game would frustrate the hell out of me, but the trailer was entertaining enough to make me want to play it. It was like late night infomercial met the monster truck jam commercial.

I love this game far more than Castle Crashers.

Yes, Nick posts on the forums as Telefrog! He's been on the podcast a few times, and I probably should have pointed out more clearly his "Telefrog" forum name during the last appearance.