It’s the 20:20 movie frame game of 2018!

To Catch a Thief?

Not To Catch a Thief however …

that guess is wrong decade, wrong country (right continent), wrong director (but this one is also held in very high regard), wrong leading man (but this lead also was in multiple films with this film’s director, as Grant was with Hitchcock)

The 100 (still more to come…)

Heading for a loss I’ll post the last two now and give the answer tomorrow morn…

the 120:

and the 140


Jack Lemmon and Billy Wilder brought you classics like The Apartment and Some Like It Hot.

They also worked together on other films, like this one - Avanti!

Is it worth seeing? Of course it is!

Moving on…

New post shortly

Let’s go a different way…

A new 20:

Bride of Frankenstein

Yeah! Correct indeed.

The 40 (Gene Hackman hasn’t aged a day!)

The 60: (Where is this Bride you speak of?)

And that is all!

Gene Hackman’s scene in Young Frankenstein is one of all-time favorite parodies. I’ll have something up this evening, Central Time.

Staying in the great grampa era, the new 20:

Worlds to Come?

Otherwise I have a second guess raring to go once that 40:40 drops.

Not quite right, Djscman.

But soooooo close!

I’m sure Djscman knows the movie, so let’s see him get the title right with the 40:

Goddamn it, I misremembered the title.

H.G. Wells’ Things to Come, a.k.a. one of the few SF movies Filmstruck had available back when I was a subscriber.

There you go:

60:60 - This frame just missed the wonderful art deco airplanes

80:80 - This lovely ensemble is what we, the people of the future, are wearing:

Over to you, Djscman!

Thanks, Jason. It wasn’t a terrible movie, in a sort of prelude to “Pandemic Legacy: Season 2” kind of way. Charm, you could have pounced on it, since it sounds like you got it too, but you held off and I thank you for it.

Maybe you’ll get this 20:20…

American Splendor?


And indeed it is American Splendor, back when we needed a break from the glut of comic book movies that Hollywood was shoving down our throats, of Ghost World, Batman and Robin, X-Men, Mystery Men, Hulk, Catwoman, Spider-Man and this picture… they just wouldn’t stop coming!

The 40:40



and it was about 30 seconds shy of a 100:100. You’re up, dingus!

I freaking love that 40:40. What a beautiful shot.

I’ll have a frame up in a bit.


“I consider myself a nerd.”

The new twenty:
