It’s the 20:20 movie frame game of 2018!

I’m not sure what you’ve got against softcore porn, charmtrap. It got me through some tough times when I was a teenager.

The eighty-whatever:


Oh hey, that’s either the Ennis House or a reasonable soundstage facsimile. And it’s not Blade Runner or The Rocketeer, but probably set in LA. And that looks like Steve Martin on the couch, recovering from a terrible injury, so… Grand Canyon?

Oh thank goodness. Thank you Djscman!

The one-hundred:

The one-twenty:

You have the conch, @Djscman!


“All of life’s riddles are answered in the movies.”

I liked Grand Canyon a hell of a lot more than when they remade it as Crash. And I didn’t even watch it all in one sitting. I was in a friend’s dorm room while studying abroad, and it was on TV, and I didn’t have a TV, and she and I thought the movie couldn’t have gone on as long as it did, and she just wanted to go to sleep, so…

While I’m looking for a new movie, @ChristienMurawski, maybe you could share your Space Jam extra story?

I’m pleased you brought that up. Because i was thinking the reverse while watching this. How it has so much of a Crash vibe, that I never really thought about before watching it again.

To be sure, Grand Canyon is not a good movie. At times it is downright silly. However, it is not risible as I consider Crash to be. I hated that movie beyond words.

There are a couple of good moments in it as well. I really did like when Danny Glover showed up in his tow-truck. “Are you the one I’m talking to?” is, for me, one of those great little moments. What comes immediately before and after is pure caricature, to be sure, but the stuff that works for me really works.

Also, I had the weirdest experience the first time I watched it. I saw it on VHS–those are video tapes, kids–and the tape version of the movie did this really weird thing at the end where it shifted aspect ratio for the final shot. It suddenly became this super-wide shot, I guess in order to deliver us the grandeur. It was jarring. I have no idea if this happened in the theater, or if this was a thing that was just done for the video release.


Was the rest of the movie letterboxed or pan-and-scan?

Here’s the next 20:20:

Pretty sure that’s Bringing Up Baby.

Yeah, he is.

The On/Off of 40:40

The high cheekbones, clipped midatlantic accent, and patrician facade of the 60:60

The farcical telephony of the 80:80

No leopards in these shots, but the 100:100 was this close to showing a brontosaurus.

Well done, charm! You’re up.

Speaking of annoying actors, Kate is super-annoying in this movie.

New 20

The Hulk?

Not the Hulk.

Good. Because I’d hate to lose for not saying The Incredible Hulk.


Though there was the Eric Bana Hulk movie, which I think was just called Hulk…or maybe “The” Hulk. But if you meant the Ed Norton one, yeah, that was definitely Incredible Hulk.

That doesn’t seem like a very good place to keep a potted plant.

ObGuess: Zodiac


EDIT: Oh, wait, Gordon Cameron already did Zodiac. However, I will still accept any “good guess” compliments.

It is not Zodiac.

Good guess, anyway.

25th Hour?

Not that.


It’s not Insomnia.


Rounders? This seems to be about the right year, but it’s been a long time…