It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

If nobody is watching this show (it’s on FX and I’ve seen the first couple of episodes on torrent sites), you should be.

It’s a comedy about these 3 guys who own a bar in Philadelphia. I’ve seen 3 of the 4 episodes so far, and they have been about Racism/Gay-ism, Abortion, and impressing girls by pretending you have cancer.

I saw the racism one. It had some ok stuff, but honestly, I’m not at all motivated to watch more.

Second season has been going on, and this show just kills me. It has that same Seinfeld vibe of a group of self-centered friends constantly trying to take the easy way through life. But no laugh track, thank God.

It’s like a really light version of “Rescue Me” in terms of attitude, and with a whole lot more stupid actions. For example, brother and sister decide to take advantage of welfare and thus need to prove they’re addicted to crack…so they go to buy some crack. The entire scene with the drug dealer was priceless.

I watched the first episode of the second season, and I’m pretty underwhelmed. The actors are all way too pretty to convincingly play the kind of low-life slimeballs they’re clearly supposed to be, which sort of kills it for me. Plus, the show seems to be straining to be outrageous, as opposed to simply being outrageous. Devito is pretty funny, though.

I think my big problem with it was that I watched it after coming off a marathon viewing of the US Office second season, which is pretty much the polar opposite of It’s Always Sunny. Maybe I’d like It’s Always Sunny more if Tom Chick played a gay dude in it.

I tired watching it when it was on fox, and it didn’t interest me. I did watch the crack episode which was pretty funny. I agree that Devito is pretty good in it. The show is ok, but it’s not hooking me like Seinfeld did.

I didn’t catch this the first time around, but I’ve been watching the last few weeks and I think it’s brilliant. The crack one was funny, but the next episodes with the guys sleeping with eachother’s mothers (or at least trying) was hysterical! I season pass’d the show, but Tivo’s having trouble with the time slot. F/X has been playing games with the start/stop time.

The second season opener kind of fell flat for me as well aside from a few great moments, however the last two weeks of episodes have been much funnier - I’d recommend checking them out.

Season 3 premiere tonight.

While I recognize that season two occasionally had a few lull moments in episodes, I have abandoned any attempt to be objective about this show or even pretend to analyze it at all.

My reaction to all of the promo materials has been completely Pavlovian. The Mac/PC commercials have me giggling like a little girl, no matter how many times I see them.

Funniest thing on television for me. I almost don’t want to watch the season as it airs, instead saving them all up on tivo for one long gluttonous laughgasm. It isn’t the kind of thing that I would hold up to others and say You Must Watch and Agree With Me - I can’t identify what about it makes me laugh so much, but it does.


My wife and I love this show, but it ain’t for everyone.

They released a season 3 episode to the web about a month ago that you can watch in its entirety on YouTube. I really enjoyed it, and I was interested to see that it was written by the guy who played the priest in the episode where they saw the Virgin Mary in the water stain in their bar.

It bodes well for this season.

Edit: Also, they just released the Season 1 and 2 DVD.

I love this show. Probably my favourite sitcom since Arrested Development.

I picked up the DVDs. Sadly, only two commentaries, but lots of good behind the scenes stuff. I didn’t know before hand they literally had to shoot all of Danny Devito’s scenes for the whole season in a 20 day period due to his schedule. That is absolutely insane.

I loved the first two episodes from the new season. Everyone needs to be watching. It is insane and brilliant.

That helps to explain why Charlie’s beard is always changing.

Yeah, I know. This show is hilarious, I just started watching it, and I gotta say, its one of the funniest shows I’ve watched in a while.

Is DeVito really that busy? How demanding is the dinner theater circuit? (I kid, I kid.)

DeVito produces a lot of stuff. I think that’s what keeps him busy.

Great show.

We kept cracking up at the commercials for this show when watching Rescue Me or Nip/Tuck, and we love off-kilter comedies, so I recorded the premier and watched this last night. Don’t know exactly what it is, but aside from a couple of moments that cracked us up, we were disappointed. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but overall it was just kind of “eh.”

May have to watch another episode, because it seems like exactly the kind of show we normally love.

The dumpster baby one wasn’t one of their better episodes, and the invincible one fell pretty flat, particularly if you didn’t know their history feuding with the inbred McBoyles.

If the hilarious abortion episode from season 2 was a 10, these were a 5 and a 4.

Some good moments, “I’m tripping balls!”, and the collection of trash which forces them to abandon their apartment, but it’s down a bit from season two. Hopefully they can get back up to that level.