It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Yeah he really saved it. I was a little let down - I think Frank and Charlie getting married should be its own thing, and the Maureen Ponderosa stuff left me flat. But Charlie talking about the elephant drawings was gold.

Okay, that’s more like it. Is this the first episode where we haven’t seen the bar at all?

I’m talking a Forrest Gump level of shrimp here.

“What is weird about this? It’s a men’s ceremony.”

This has been an awesome season so far, especially the last two episodes, but damn, Renee Auberjonois and Dave Foley have not aged well.

I haven’t been digging this season so much, but I wasn’t loving last season either - until the Intervention episode happened. So I’m holding out hope.

i stopped watching after The Gang Buys a Boat. Did it pick up?

What, Charlie stating that he’ll eat an eraser to get a job, then asking if he can eat an eraser because it smells strongly of grapes isn’t enough for you? Intervention dude.

What about it didn’t you like? The second of the two part opener was pretty weak, but the boat one was classic in my eyes.

And then we’ll take you to the open ocean, where you can make rash decisions based on fear. Right Dennis?

i think i was more scared by the two part opener

which was just…horrible and flat. more like a community theater production of an It’s Always Sunny knock off

That was very funny. I’m seeing one or two of those kinds of gems per episode this season - which is still better than 90% of the other crap on television - they just aren’t really knocking it out of the park like they have previously.

What about it didn’t you like? The second of the two part opener was pretty weak, but the boat one was classic in my eyes.

And then we’ll take you to the open ocean, where you can make rash decisions based on fear. Right Dennis?

For some reason the only part of this I really liked was Mac’s reaction to Dennis saying women would have sex with them in the open ocean because of the “implications”. I like it when at least one of them is a sane person (like in the Foley/Charlie interaction above).

Intervention was my first episode of It’s Always Sunny so I think it’ll always be my favorite. So good.

Dave Foley’s a given, but give Rene Aubjerjonois a break: he’s 70, for god’s sakes.

Wow. The screening of Lethal Weapon 5 was amazing.

edit: The obvious hose spray being used as rain.
Switching in and out of the Australian accent.
The perfect 80s synth soundtrack.
Charlie saying “tapped the tainted water supply”.
The edit when the candle goes out.
The boredom of the girl during the sex scene.
Frank being so obviously satisfied with his performance.

I watched the actual screening three times.

The person who died was YOUR wife.

Last night was the best one so far. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a racist.

Dennis does the crossing, since Mac already has the freaky anti abortion chick.

No talk of the first two episodes? OMG, so wrong and funny on so many levels!

I’m never EVER going under the boardwalk.

Both episodes were great, but I was smiling the whole time during the Jersey Shore episode.

My parents have a beach house a couple blocks away from where that scene with Charlie and the waitress was filmed, so that was kind of neat to notice.

That might be the most explicit thing I’ve ever seen on basic cable. Wow.

The first two episodes of this season have been amazing, been awhile since I’ve laughed that hard.

Yeah, I thought the same thing. Jarring, but successfully shocking/funny. Much of the episode was that same way, though that boardwalk scene was by far the craziest thing.