It's the 20:20 Movie Frame Game of 2019!

Haven’t seen it in forever, but it was a guess. “Looks like a Cambodian movie,” and well, there ya go. I forgot how stark the screens were.

There are times when we have to go back to the classics, to relive what it was to be ourselves at an earlier point in life. We must embrace both good and bad so that we can move forward, not just within our own minds, but also to the advancement of public discourse.

The new 20:

House Bunny, starring my new favorite Anna Faris?


Mean Girls? That looks like a cool mom, not a regular mom.

Indeed it is Mean Girls. And to the rest of you, get in losers. We’re going shopping!

The 40:

The 60:

The 80:

Carry on, senor @cornchip!

Alright! Let’s see if I can figure out how to do one of these.

The Milwaukee Brewers have produced their own Mean Girls parody:

That’s so fetch.

Lindsay Lohan is not in any of those shots from Mean Girls. Wow.

Agreed. I found that pretty crazy as well. She just misses a couple of shots, however.

You all are going to hate me for these fuzzy images.

What movie shows this at 20:20?

Is it that evangelist Burt Lancaster vehicle Elmer Gantry?

Isn’t that Robert Preston in The Music Man?

Ya got trouble,
Right here in River city!

A Boy and His Dog. Although 20:20 is a bit early for that scene. Also, those people aren’t wearing the right make-up. But that’s still my guess and I’m sticking with it.


Indeed it is! Your turn, @charmtrap.







I was pretty happy the 100 caught that stage blocking and lighting/camera mask (or was it already composited back then?); I’ve always liked it and would like to see more movies try the effect.

I love that movie. It comes on occasionally and I’m drawn to watch it again. And for what it’s worth, it’s Robert Preston. He IS that role. Such a magnetic personality who instantly pulls your attention in every scene.

One of the most inspired things about The Last Starfighter was having Robert Preston reprise that role.


How did I not remember that was him!

Nice! Yeah, Robert Preston was so great in that role. Of course he played it on Broadway for like 5 years, so he should’ve had it down cold.

New 20: