John Wick Hex - Baba Yaga WEGO-ish Sim

The replays are just comically bad. I don’t know that there is anything they could have done to make them look less like a John Wick combat scene. The ludicrous walking on a hex grid and the stilted combat animations that have no weight at all pretty much make sure nothing you do actually looks cool.

I also got bored with the gameplay faster than the game could introduce new concepts.

On more important ontological matters, I don’t think this is a WEGO system. In WEGO all players plot their moves simultaneously, and then both sets of moves are executed. Once all moves have been executed, the players enter new sets of moves. This is different; each unit takes an action that takes a certain amount of time. As soon as an unit action finishes, they start a new action without waiting for other units to finish whatever they’re up to. And when selecting a move, you see what actions the other units have started but not yet finished.

The last thing about seeing the in-flight actions is the novel part. Otherwise this is just like a typical energy based roguelike combat system.