Jon Shafer's At The Gates

Unless your enemies are gophers.


Yea, the enemy gophers would counter-attack with their own tunnels, tryiing to have the enemy tunnels collapse.

As we can read in Quota.

Man, history teachers should just tell their students, you know what screw this chapter, just go play Dig Dug.

Or C64 Boulderdash

Hrm, so which came first… chipping counters, or laminating book covers?

Laminating came way, way before.

They’re not actually laminated, per se - they are covered in Mylar jackets. Like library books.

How does that shelf not snap.

The coolest thing about the Stalingrad trilogy is not its size but the fact that it is 4 books long.

I actually meant to comment on your books, they look amazing!

Reading it takes longer than Stalingrad took.

Thanks - I have been jacketing them slowly over the years, but I still have a lot left to do, probably because I am always set back by inflow.


Plus a sequel!!!

I watched all five and I’m eager to see how this looks at release. And I’m prepared for potential bad pathing and some missing art assets but from what I see in the videos this looks like a game that I will enjoy and likely fail at a lot. This will be my first crafting game so that will be new, but does not appear too crafty to mire me in micro hell.

And the fact that this is “imported from Detroit” is a plus for Former Motor City Guy.

“We’ll see what happens.”

Just got my hands on this and really like it so far but the wording in these expressions throw me off, especially the “by half” which instantly makes me think the production is halved but in fact, it’s an additional half! I guess I’m a glass half empty kinda guy but I’d still rather see this as a number/percentage like “Resource Production +50%.”

Also, for professions like Meat Cutter and Harvester, which increases other profession’s production, does that mean the clan has to be stacked with the other to provide the benefit or is it just a global thing?

The meat cutter and harvester and other similar professions that buff certain other professions are settled and do their thing just being in the camp. Buffing the foraging professions is very useful for the Huns who don’t have buildings.

My heart wants a happy ending to this story, but the truth is I just want Jon to recover. I’m so sad for what he’s gone through.

I’d love to see the game be widely acclaimed, I just hope that he’s okay if it isn’t.

Why would the word “increase” appear if it was decreasing production?

Doesn’t this release on Wednesday?

It wouldn’t. Look at the pic: “Production is increased by half” so I’m saying when I see the word “half”, it makes me think something is being “halved”, ie decreased. So I’m saying why not use numbers/percentages in place of words. It’s clearly an issue with ME but I’m still curious why not just use numbers which is more the norm in strat games.

Would “+50%” production not trigger your “halving” sense?