Just Cause 2 preview

Somehow I knew that the smile on Bob’s face would fall off when he realized that the jacking involved QTEs.

I’m no fan, but if they’ve got to have them, I hope they’re as decently implemented as Mercenaries 2’s. There at least the buttons you were being asked to press kind of made sense.

Oh please no.

I’d rather they didn’t exist at all, but if they have to then the implementation they have is just fine - push 4 buttons, all of which you know in advance.

But the ones in Mercs 2 were as good as QTEs get. The more powerful the vehicle, the harder the QTE. They were also contextual, so if you had to say, open a hatch, roll to the right to avoid a punch, then struggle with someone with a gun, it might be A, Stick right, then tap X repeatedly. Contextual, and made sense, like the QTEs were part of the game rather than arbitrary like in the God of War series.

And the QTEs were the same every time, on a per vehicle basis, at least.

Anyone else a little underwhelmed by the sound of the explosions?

Suddenly you can attach enemies to cars, which then drive away. You can attach enemies to planes, which then take off. You can attach enemies to telegraph poles and leave them dangling, piñata-style. You can knock enemies out of moving vehicles and tether them to the back, where they whip about in the wind like an old plastic bag, while you stand on the bonnet and riddle them with bullets. Or, you can forget enemies entirely and attach cars to helicopters, in order to use them as wrecking balls, and yet another vista of comedic opportunity opens up.

But can you ride a rocket at the same time?

I never played God of War, so the only thing I can compare it to is GTA or Mercs 1, none of which had QTEs. If GoW is the game to blame for this recent propagation of a blight on game mechanics? :/

I’m just not sure how a game is improved by me having to look down at my controller. I know Mercs broke immersion for me every time, since I knew I had to get ready to shift the controller to avoid getting carpal tunnel in the second, hammer-the-button stage of the QTE.

Looks like the threewave grapple kids got to play. Looks kind of cool actually. I wonder if in 2050 we’ll be grappling around Fallujah.

My bizzaro experience above was on PS2.

I’m not going to let that sour my impressions of this one unduly though - it seems to be shaping up rather well, though I am unsure how much more ridiculous open-world carnage I can take without getting a bit jaded, what with Red Faction, Prototype, Crackdown 2 and the rest all coming up.

Looks very good, but they didn’t get to make a fun game in the first part, so i will be very cautious this time.

The PS2 version of Just Cause was terrible. This, on the other hand looks absolutely amazing and a ton of fun!

I never played God of War, so the only thing I can compare it to is GTA or Mercs 1, none of which had QTEs. If GoW is the game to blame for this recent propagation of a blight on game mechanics? :/

GoW2 earned itself a special place in hell for introducing randomized QTEs. Yes, you can no longer just repeat the sequence and build up muscle memory. No, now you have to start fresh every fucking time. Ridiculous.

And yet, I still love the game.

Yes, pretty much. It’s the game that brought them back in a big way.

New Trailer.

Was it always 2010? Oh well.

That was a great trailer! The E3 one is still a bit better though.But this game so far looks like must buy, and I never played first JC.

After having watched this excellent trailer I wonder:
What’s the difference between this and “Mercenaries 2” of last year?

Haven’t played either the original Just Cause much apart from a few minues and Mercs but it’s basically the same I think (apart from the “hook” gimmick). Blowing shit up and doing stunts.

Well, this time around, it looks like they are really building upon the grappling hook though. Gimmick or not, if you watch that E3 walkthrough, it’s basically the main that you’ll be doing all the time in the game. I think that qualifies it as being one of the game’s main gameplay hooks, instead of being just a gimmick. It’s not something you might do once in a while. It’s something you’ll be constantly using because it’s what makes the game so much fun. So yeah, I think that will set it apart from Mercenaries 2.

Plus, hopefully unlike Mercenaries 2 they’ll allow you to use triggers for Accel/Brake when you’re using the 360 controller, at least as an option.

Mercenaries 2 was about getting to your mission and blowing shit up.

JC was always about just getting there. The missions were extra.

Well put.