
What a soggy excuse for a thriller. I had misgiving when the National Geographic logo popped up before the movie started. Then I see Harrison Ford was the executive producer. Then the accents kicked in. And out. And in. And out. Then the whole lame thing ends with a bunch of old men dribbling their vodka in the snow.

I’m going to watch Below next. If it sucks, , starting with U-571, I will then have a trifecta of bad submarine movies with which I can rule the world!!!


The best thing that came of this movie was Connan’s interview with Ford. If you didn’t see it Ford was his usual extremely figety and uncomfortable mumbly self until Connan asked Ford if he ever wanted to just be in a silly wacky movie.
I swear that Ford perked up and his eyes lit up and he started talking about how great it would be to be in one of those movies and run around with a bucket on his head. The man actually started flailing his limbs and sticking his tongue out while yelling ‘LAL LAL LAL LAL’. It was absolutley hilarious.
Then Connan mentioned the movie and Harrison turned to Connan and said ‘What a stupid name for a movie.’ And started making fun of the fact that they were Americans playing Russians speaking English with a Russian accent.
It was such a change of pace. I think the interview was better than the movie. No disrespect to the actual men on K-19 of course.

You’ve got three extra “n’s” in that last paragraph.

Wait! I missed one. Four.

I couldn’t get past the accent thing, either. It would have been fine without the faked Russian accents.

Maybe they could have hired Russian-speaking actors for the primary roles?

EDIT: Spellink

U-571 wasn’t as bad as K-19. It was a little confused, but it was far closer to being a good movie than K-19.

Tom, have you seen the Godfather yet?

The Godfather is a great submarine movie. The Star Trek episode “Balance of Terror” is too. I have Das Boot here, but with two kids I just can’t find the 3-hour plus block required. Either that or I’m intentionally not seeing Das Boot so I can seem aloof and cool.

I love “Balance of Terror.” The Enemy Below set in the Trek version of outer space with Spock’s father as the enemy captain. Helluva combination.

That was me forgetting to log in again.

I’ll only say, The Hunt for Red October …

Tom, have you seen the Godfather yet?

No, but I did watch all 24 episodes of the first season of 24. Does that count? :)


P.S. And, for the record, I still haven’t seen Wizard of Oz yet, but it’s in the Netflix queue along with The Godfather and Undercover Brother.

UnderCover Brother is good send up of Seventies. I hear that Godfather movie is pretty good also.

Crimson Tide.