Kemet play-by-forum game

Battle: Wadjet (Lantz) vs Sobek (ironwulf)
Wadjet is attacking with 5 units plus the Giant Scorpion creature.
Sobek is defending with 5 units.

Initiative causes Sobek to lose 2 units.

Battle cards:
Wadjet plays [4 str 1 dam] card.
Sobek plays [1 str 3 dam] card.

Total strength:
Wadjet has 5 for troops, 4 for card, 2 for scorpion = 11
Sobek has 3 for troops, 1 for card, 1 for Bestial Fury = 5
Wadjet wins! Wadjet receives 1 permanent VP
Sobek receives 1 Dawn token

Wadjet deals 1 for card, 2 for scorpion = 3 damage.
Crusades grants Wadjet 6 PP (but PP cap at 11 so 3 PP are wasted)
Sobek deals 3 for card, 1 for Bestial Fury = 4 damage

Wadjet, you have 1 unit + the Scorpion remaining. Want to recall? @Lantz
Sobek has no units remaining so the choice is moot.

Oh, and PS, Lantz is at 6 VP (3 battle VP, 1 Ta-seti VP, a level 4 pyramid and a temple). If anyone hits 8 they win at the end of their action, unless someone somehow also has 8 at that point, in which case the turn finishes and VP are totalled at that time.

Do you need to have an undisputed lead at the start of the turn, or just a simple lead? E.g. If at the start of my turn I have 8 VP, would I win if Lantz has 8?

The only one with 8 VP at the start of an action. That makes more sense how you could be tied, I guess!

Yes Please, with my other stragglers

I don’t believe you’re allowed to recall units that weren’t involved in the battle.

Even though I inflicted enough damage that Lantz recalled away from the temple, I can already see the path he has to get 8VP before his last turn…going to be extremely difficult to counter.

Oh, sorry yes.

@Malkav et al.,

Hey, hate to do this now, but am I missing something? How did Lantz have the move to go from 3 Temple East to 2 Temple East? There is a 3 move requirement to go from one to the other, but with the scorpion that troop only has 2 movement.

So, barring the use of some other device, Lantz should not have been able to make that move. Now, what he could have done was start a new priest now the path, pick up a rabbit object, and then immediately use it to get an extra movement boost, for example.

So, did I miss something?

Looks like one space in between and then a second to the other temple to me?
Edit: No, you’re right, there’s a space around the 3 point temples as well.

There is a way for him to get there, though, which I assume he would like to use.

I think @Greatatlantic is right, looking at my board that’s set-up on my table.
I move to space outside the 3 temple, 1 space in between, then the 2 temple.

My apologies, I will play a +1 move DI to get the 3rd move

No worries. It’s not super obvious from the pic.

@Infested_terran, it’s your turn.

Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah…just waiting on @Infested_terran before I can take my turn…

1st action: Recruit 4 units to west temple troop
10->6 PP


1st action: Buy black power tile Devourer, place him with my troop at Black Pyramid
Also use golden action token to do a Pray

PP 4 > 0 > 3


A simple Prayer action.

PP: 1 + 2 = 3

@Lantz, back to you.

2nd Move: Purchase White VP Tile PP 11 > 8
