Kemet play-by-forum game

I use this reference Malkav provided in the first post:

Another piece of advice, if you spawn in the city space with the 3 pyramid, then opponents are forced to chose between a battle VP and a temporary pyramid VP, because movement actions are limited and getting the more out of them is important.

Gallery updated.

Alright…throwing caution to the winds…
1st Action (finish)

Move my troop from Three Temple East to my city (this takes 3 movement spaces)
Spend 2 PP to teleport from my Pyramid to Delta Temple
Spend 2 more PP due to the presence of the Khnuum’s Sphinx
PP 10 > 6
I know I’ll need to reveal my battle card first to @Infested_terran due to Prescience but I’ll need to wait until I get home in the morning so I can verify which cards I still have.

I play this:
I’ve sent my discard info as well as DI card info to @malkav11

Woo, battle hippos.

Sure, but they’re not Rhinos.

Kemet definitely needs more battle rhinos.

Heads up that I will be away from my computer and out of town from 4/19 through 4/22 and unable to meaningfully administer the game during that time. Ideally I’m hoping we’ll have finished by then but I know these final turns are gonna be tough decisions!

Which creature is with your attacking troop?

I believe the troop that took the eastern 3 point temple has the Devourer with it. So I am not quite sure where the unit from the Ta-Seti move was meant to go but if it’s there, the Scarab can’t come along. (I am not sure it can anyway - I think a recruit action might be required - but in this case the one critter per troop rule renders the question moot).

So if I’m reading it right, it’s a total of 12 strength (4 units, 2 devourer, 1 bestial fury, 5 card) and 2 damage?

The unit from the Ta-Seti path went to the troop on Two Temple East (which had Scarab and 4 units)
My attacking troop is from Three Temple East has 5 units, plus Devourer, so total strength of 13.


Play the 2 strength, 2 damage, 1 protection card

Battle - Sobek (ironwulf) vs Bastet (Infested_terran)
Sobek is attacking with 5 troops plus the Devourer creature.
Bastet is defending with 4 troops plus the Khnum’s Sphinx creature.

Battle cards:
Sobek plays [5 str sac 2] and the DI card Iron Wall [+2 prot] (-1 PP).
Bastet plays [2 str 2 dam 1 prot].
Sobek plays the DI card Tactical Choice to substitute his discard for his played card. Now using [3 str 2 dam].

Total strength:
Sobek has 5 for troops, 3 for card, 2 for Devourer, 1 for Bestial Fury power tile= 11
Bastet has 4 for troops, 2 for card, 1 for Khnum’s Sphinx = 7
Sobek wins! +1 permanent VP
Bastet gains 1 Dawn token (not likely to matter but hey)

Sobek inflicts 4 damage (battle card, Bestial Fury, Carnage) vs 1 protection (battle card) = 3 damage
Sobek gains 1 permanent VP from killing 2 or more units in battle with the Devourer’s attached troop
Bastet inflicts 2 damage (battle card) vs 2 protection (DI card) = 0 damage

Sobek does not recall.
Bastet recalls 1 troop + Khnum’s Sphinx for +1 PP.

Sobek has refreshed to 8 battle cards.
Edited for proper report.

That sounds correct.
No, I will not recall



Red (ironwulf/Sobek)
VP: 5 Permanent (4 battle 1 for controlling 2 temples at night)& 3 (temporary from pyramid/temple) = 8
PP: 5
Pyramids: 4/3/1 Black/Red/White

8 unused Battle cards
2 DI Card

Power Tiles:
Priest - Gain +1 PP when Praying
Mercenaries - Gain 3 mercenary troops.
Dark Ritual - Gain golden token and extra Pray action
God Speed - +1 Move
Royal Scarab - Gives +2 STR +2 Move to attached troop
Bestial Fury - All troops gain + 1 Move/STR/Damage
Devourer - +1 Move, +2 STR, no non-battle damage, extra VP if win battle and kill 2 units
Carnage - All troops get +1 Damage

Honestly I think strictly speaking there’s no choice for Infested_terran to make since retreat isn’t possible, which kind of forces it to be a recall. We can probably move on to next action.

Therefore pinging @Greatatlantic

I’ll recall, but I’ll point out that there IS an empty land area to retreat into on the delta temple island. You can see the yellow border for the temple space and the white border for the land space, exactly like the temples in the center.

OK, If I have to do something to keep the game alive. Double actions this turn.

Action 1: Recruit.

I’ll recruit 5 troops (includes 1 priest) into White Pyramid and place the Sphinx with them, and 2 troops into the Red Pyramid and place Polyphemus with them.

PP: 6-6 = 0 (discount).

I will now use my silver action token to do a move action.

My priest will start down the upper path gaining a prayer point and a +1 Shield. I immediately grab the +1 Move tile sending my priest back to start.

PP: 0 + 1 = 1.

For my move proper, I teleport to the Delta Temple. Battle is initiated.

PP: 1-1 = 0.

So, I’ve got 5 troops, +2 for Spinx, +1 for Kraken, +1 for Charge, +1 for Blades of Nieth. The troop comes with a priest for +1 protection (and +1 strength on defense, but not in play right now), and I have the temporary +1 protection from the Ta-Seti path.

@ironwulf, send your cards to @malkav11.

Battle - Anubis (Greatatlantic) vs Sobek (ironwulf)
Anubis is attacking with 5 troops and the Sphinx creature (w/ assist from Kraken).
Sobek is defending with 5 troops and the Devourer creature.

Battle cards:
Anubis plays [3 str 1 prot] and two DI cards:
Glory - If victorious in combat, gain 4 PP.
Divine Protection - If victorious in combat, take no damage.
Sobek plays [1 str 3 dam]

Total strength:
Anubis has 5 for troops, 3 for card, 2 for Sphinx, 1 for Kraken, 1 for Charge!, 1 for Blades of Neith = 13
Sobek has 5 for troops, 1 for card, 2 for Devourer, 1 for Bestial Fury = 9
Anubis wins! +1 permanent battle VP, +4 PP, no damage
Sobek gains 1 Dawn token

Anubis does not generate damage.
Sobek generates 5 damage but it is all canceled by Divine Protection. I see where you were going with this, but bad luck!

@Greatatlantic, recall?
@ironwulf, retreat or recall? Infested_terran is correct, there is one other space on the island that you can retreat to, and you still have your entire troop.

Anubis has refreshed to 8 battle cards.