Kemet play-by-forum game

Yup. I took Aura just to be immune from Initiative. Then scorpion came up and now I have to try and counter that. Crusade seemed like a good pick but now that I have an extra action to prepare against a possible attack, I thought another pick would be better.

I would encourage anyone to pick up Crusade before Lantz can. +2 PP for every battle kill with the scorpion running around is no joke.

I made a big mistake being the first to move out. I thought holding the temples would bypass the need for economy but I’m spending all the power gained just trying not to get knocked off, whereas everyone else is sititng back and developing without worry of attack. I sunk my savings into buying the Old Man & the Sea fishing boat while everyone else invested in mutual funds.

@ironwulf? We’re waiting on you, man.

Sorry, lost track of this. So I need to re-do my second action, correct?
I’ll do the same action, Raise Black Pyramid from 3 to 4
PP got from 5>1


Action 2: Purchase the Giant Scorpion Red Power Tile. Give him to my red pyramid location troops. PP 5 > 1


(Apologies for the turn mistake)

Well, after some hee-ing and hawing back forth in my head…

I purchase the Blue Tile Protective Aura.

PP: 2 - 0 (Priest of Ra price reduciton) = 2 PP.


I guess somebody put the fear of Dolf Lundgren in me. Did you guys know he has a Masters in Chemistry, or something like that?

Hmmm? I bought Protective Aura my first action this turn. Unless I missed something that it could be bought multiple times?


Dang it, yes you did. I thought that was the action you took back. This round really has gotten confusing. Anyways… instead I will let the board state develop and Pray (Middle Row if it matters).

PP: 2 + 2 = 4.

Here is my board state notes:

Back at you @Infested_terran.

Greatatlantic Kemet State
VP: 2 (temporary for temple, pyramid)
PP: 4
White-4, Blue-1, Unchosen-0
Troops: 5 on The West White-3, 5 on 3-Temple West
3 DI Cards

Power Tiles:
Defense! - +1 Strength when defending
Hand of God - During night phase raise one pyramid 1 level.
Priest of Ra - All PP Costs reduced by 1.

Available actions:
Move, Recruit
Upgrade Pyramid, Move, XPray
XWhite Tile, Red Tile, Blue Tile, Pray

3rd action: Purchase black tile Khnum’s Sphinx. Place it in my city troop.

6->4 PP


Blue (infested_terran):
1 temporary VP (temple)
2 DI cards
3 units in reserve
6 unused Battle cards
Pyramids: 2/2/2 Blue/White/Black
Power Tiles:
Legion: Troops may contain 7, rather than 5 units.
Enforced Recruitment: May recruit to any space where Bastet has units as well as Bastet’s own city.
Protective Aura: Units cannot be killed outside of battle
Khnum’s Sphinx: (creature) +1 movement, +1 strength, opponent must pay 2 PP to move in

Flaming Khopesh: +1 strength in one battle.

Thanks again for running this. As an old Chaos in the Old World fan, this was one of the games I’ve wanted to play for a long time.

I actually saw it in the store last week and was tempted, then saw the price tag. $70 for the base game and $50 for Seti!!

It used to be significantly cheaper. Then Asmodee bought Matagot. :/

For 3rd action, purchase red tile God Speed
PP 1>0

ironwulf (Red)
VP: 1 (temporary from Pyramid)
PP: 0
Red-1, Black-4, White-1
Troops: 4 on The North Red-1, 1 on North Black 3, 4 on North White 1
4 on North Yard
3 DI Card

Power Tiles:
Priest - +1 PP when Praying
Mercenaries - Gain 3 mercenary troops.
Dark Ritual - Gain golden token and extra Pray action
God Speed - All troops gain +1 when using Move action

Available actions:
Move, Recruit
Upgrade PyramidX, Move, Pray
White Tile, Red TileX, Black TileX, Pray

3rd Action: Use the second Pray space PP 1>3

I am a bit swamped now but I will follow adopt the state stuff for my next turn.

Sorry for the delay, but Friday nights are a game nights for me and we went a little long. Anyways,

For my third action I will upgrade my blue Pyramid to 2.

PP: 4 - 1 = 3.


Shouldn’t that cost 2 PP?
Raising a pyramid level costs the PP of the level it is being raised to.

He pays one less PP for all actions due to Priest of Ra.

Damn that tile!
I stand corrected.

Actually, not just every action, but every time I pay PP. So, in theory I can I can play Divine Intervention cards with cost and pay 1 less off the total price. Or, the Sphinx of Khnum entry cost is reduced to 1 for me. The Level-4 Tiles are no joke, folks. Except for Bestial Fury, I believe that is a joke. I mean, was something lost in translation there?

4th action: Top move action. Move priest to first middle location, pick up 1 PP on way.
Move 1 unit + Khnum’s Sphinx teleport to Delta temple.
4+1-2= 3 PP


Blue (infested_terran):
1 temporary VP (temple)
2 DI cards
3 units in reserve
6 unused Battle cards
Pyramids: 2/2/2 Blue/White/Black
Power Tiles:
Legion: Troops may contain 7, rather than 5 units.
Enforced Recruitment: May recruit to any space where Bastet has units as well as Bastet’s own city.
Protective Aura: Units cannot be killed outside of battle
Khnum’s Sphinx: (creature) +1 movement, +1 strength, opponent must pay 2 PP to move in

Flaming Khopesh: +1 strength in one battle.

Remember, when you take a Move action you can move a priest on the Path to Ta-Seti before you move troops.