KeyForge - No deck-building, just deck-collecting

Nope. Not heard a single thing about a supposed recall because of duplicate decks. FFG is recalling some unfortunately named decks. But I think that involves the player returning it to them and getting 2 decks in exchange.

As for starter boxes, they all contain the same 2 identical learning decks, along with 2 regular random decks. I haven’t heard of issues with those boxes.

Nope. We are using dice and the app. NOBODY in the US except Ebay scammers has starter sets.

I kind of regret getting my starter. I thought 2 tutorial decks and 2 unique decks would turn out to be a good investment, but I find the game really dull with the tutorial decks. It improved a lot with all the funky cards in a random deck you have to work around.

So far, totally in love with this game. My biggest complaint is how rarely I get to play it. And that my local store hasn’t had more unique decks for me to buy. It’s perpetually sold out.

Procedurally created tokens for Keyforge

(The Amber tokens all look the same per set but no one else will have the same design pattern).

is there an index of all 350+ cards somewhere with their powers etc … and before starting a game, is it good practice to check the card list of the opponent’s deck? Because if I want to build a strategy / tactics during a game, I should know a bit about my opponets deck or what cards even exist, no?

I used to collect Yomi decks, which there are maybe 20+ now … no deckbuilding etc. OK, they are not unique, but very well balanced…

man, this is really a deck-buying game … in the old days, you bought boosters and created your deck, now you buy complete decks, until you find one to your liking. I already see people on youtube, buying 12 deck boxes … so this means, if you want to be competitive, you have to spend even more money on complete decks …well done RG, another money sink (I bought my first deck, just to see what I get … also, the rules seem pretty solid, I like the concept that you can only play one house each turn) …

I don’t know if there is or will be a big tournament scene, but it looks like there are some interesting possibilities with chain-bidding

I’ve played a few games now. It’s a pretty cool game…I love the idea of the house declaring restricting what you can do each turn.

It seems to be something of a hit, anyway…already over a quarter-million decks registered on the official site.

So, true fact, I got a massively misprinted set. Not sure it’s valuable but it’s a fun and unique story!

Question for those who have been playing - are decks reasonably balanced? Or could I play against someone who straight up hard-counters me?

I love the idea of Keyforge, but it’s not really tenable for me to own anything more than one deck.

I don’t think you’re going to have much fun with just one deck. A lot of the interesting situations are come about with one deck vs another deck, and you’ll see a lot less deck-to-deck interactions if you’re always playing the same deck.

That said, the decks I’ve played with are not super obvious how to play well, so there’s a fair amount of fun learning you could do on a single deck and figure out if you like the game. Just make sure you already have stand-ins for the counters if you’re buying a single deck instead of the starter set.

As for balance, I have no clue. I’ve seen decks win and lose even in the same match up. There’s also enough variability in how you run a deck to make it not super obvious what’s player skill vs deck quality. The fact that there’s a built in handicap system means the decks are probably not well balanced. Which hasn’t hampered my enjoyment of the game so far.

I think this is more what I was getting at. It seems like the main purpose of the starter set is for all of the paraphernalia needed to play. I wouldn’t really be interested in the two fixed decks, so forty bucks for two unique decks and tokens doesn’t seem like a good bet.

I’d prefer to buy a single unique deck (or maybe a few of them) that I could just own to play against others if there were a way to get the counters and tokens on my own.

Here’s some print-and-play tokens someone made:

Print those on some thick paper and you should be set.

$20 for these.

Bought a set thanks!

should we have a little tournament on You can import decks to play with, I only import my own decks from the keyforge master vault, where they are registered.

A great way to learn your decks ins and outs… There are some scammers there, because you can basically import any deck you can find in the vault, so some people (I suspect) play very strong decks … but I already won a couple of times with Tyr ,Das Käuzchen", Spion des Ufers … I discovered one or two strategies, for this deck that help me win…

At some point, there will be official online play, until then lets head to the crucible (free and inoffensive to join)

So is this still a thing? I just came across it yesterday, ironically in an article about how Magic is now copying Keyforge in doing collectible decks. I see my local game shop sells a box of 12 decks for $45 CDN which works out to $3.75 a pack which is ridiculously cheap. Cheaper than a pack of boosters!

Our local game store that did a good job supporting KeyForge closed, but it still gets played. Due to its nature there’s almost no pressure to research the meta game, so we feel disconnected with what might be happening in the greater community. But that’s fine!

As a casual player who has never really played a CCG (other than Pokemon with my son) this kind of game appeals to me. Open up a deck, have fun with it, figure out how it works, then get a new one or trade with someone else. I’d like to buy a box with some friends because having 12 different decks is a bit silly, but I could do 4.

I think it’s still doing ok. It definitely seems to have fallen off a bit from it’s launch highs, but there’s plenty of support and they’re pumping out new sets on the regular.

It’s an FFG product, though. It’s hard to count on them long-term (see also: Star Wars Destiny).

Yeah, Jumpstart is a pretty great idea, actually. A cheap way to get people playing relatively balanced and themed decks that they can just open and go. And they’re mostly just digging out old cards from their huge back catalog and adding on some prize support. My guess is it makes gobs of money.