Kickstarter: Descent: Underground - Buy Ships, Mine, & Shoot in 6 Degrees of Unreal4

Pledged. I hope this is a big success and their next project is Freespace 3.

Awesome! I hope this turns out great, I loved the first two Descents (I never got around to the third one, for whatever reason).

That’s more like it-- actually pandering to nostalgia instead of making a MOBA/CCG/roguelike/IAP/mobile “descent” mashup.

While I’m a huge and I mean huge descent fan (played D3 multiplayer for 5 years), it seems kind of stupid to have your first kickstarter goal to be “port it to Linux and Apple”. Why would I want to fund THAT?

Now, give me a goal of adding 10 more levels instead of the promised 15, and I’d be all over it.

Stupid goal. it’s going to turn quite a few people off.

People back game kickstarters because they want to play the game. Stretch goals exist to provide incentive for new people to continue backing after it’s funded, but vanishingly few people increase their “investment” to hit a stretch goal. They’re just goalposts.

The stretch goal is the kickstarter goal. There is no difference ($300K).

So, it sounds like if they don’t get it, the game still gets made, it just doesn’t get ported to Linux & Apple. At least that’s the way I’m interpreting it.

Interesting. It wasn’t like that last night, it was the $350k stretch goal. Now there is no first stretch goal anymore. At least, that’s what I remember. Maybe I’m mistaken.

Nah, only just you, really.

I hope they will bring back the Thief Bot!

God I hated/loved that little bastard. It’s been way too long for me to remember, but wasn’t he introduced first in Descent 2? I remember being so totally annoyed with him/it at first, but at the same time impressed with how much time I spent hunting him/it down. He had a personality all his own.

Project Overload just told backers that they’re going to release a playable teaser. That sounds great. Hopefully that will make their kickstart campain a success.

I got a key for it this morning. Can’t wait to dive in.

Man I barely had time to play anything yesterday. :-P Patience, my friend.

Just had a quick play around with the teaser. This is exactly what I want out of a Descent remake!

If you are on the fence, check out the teaser when it’s publicly released.

I love it. It feels like Descent 4. I love the lighting, the shadows, the old weapons. The enemies. Tomorrow I’ll play it on hard and try it with the joystick, but it plays really great with a 360 controller. I’m surprised at how natural it feels.

If I could afford it, I would increase my pledge after playing this.

Christ, how do people play a Descent style game? I very quickly start to get nauseous, even just watching the videos. It’s the only genre that affects me this way and I am immune to such effects everywhere else.

That looks fun (Project Overload playable Teaser)

They still 50% short of goal with 4 days left… tho

Funny thing is that the playable teaser seems like a more feature complete game than Star Citizen. :)

In Challenge mode, I got to 29 robots destroyed on Normal. The Vortex cannon is fun, but my god it uses up ammo fast.

I’m amazed at the quality of the playable teaser. They already have most of the tech in place. They just need to build the levels, and add some enemies and variety, and maybe a map. $300k seems like a very reasonable goal, given what they already have. I really hope they make it. The Playable teaser comes out for everyone on Monday, so hopefully that will give them the publicity they need to push it over the goal in the last 3 days.

This time I tried a different tactic, exploring the different rooms, trying to fight in bigger spaces, but I still ended up with the same score.

I think I need to find a way to use my missiles more so that I don’t run out of ammo and energy as quickly.

I just got a backer update that they’ve tweaked the challenge mode in the latest build of the teaser, which is the one that will be going live tomorrow for everyone. So I guess time to try the new teaser. I think some of the weapons powerups respawn after 90 seconds, for example, in challenge mode now. Which was sorely needed.

For those of you wanting to see this in action. Playable teaser is out. Windows only, pick the version that’s right for your OS

I’ll give it a whirl tonight when I get home.