Kickstarting and Screaming

It’s excellent.

Andromeda’s Edge went up on Gamefound about a week or so ago, naturally has blown past its initial goal. This one is from the folks who made Dwellings of Eldervale, which I haven’t played but am told is pretty good. I’m trying to scale back on my kickstarting but this one looks pretty awesome so heck with it, I’m backing.

Dwellings is one of my faves so I’m all in for this, even though mechanically it is very similar. :)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. the board game is coming soon from Awaken Realms. Maybe not technically a kickstarter, since it will be offered on their own Gamefound service, but same idea.

Make me a board game of Stalker the film, you cowards!

Oh hey, I also just discovered another Kickstarter, thought I’d share it with you. One of my favorite comedians, Maria Bamford, is making a Kickstarter to produce a bunch of comedy shorts. I think she’s great, so I’m posting a link.

Maria Bamford’s “Noooo-CD!” A Comedy Series! by Maria Bamford — Kickstarter

If you’re keen on pixelated Giger aesthetics, Hibernaculum, a Space Hulk-style dungeon crawler from the creator of the point and click gem Primordia, looks very appealing.

I tried that game, it sucks. Played in a group of four players and I got the most victory points, but instead of making me the winner it just gave me the realization winning the game is pointless.

I am in for the core box.

that spacebiff guy (@DT ) is killing me with his excellent reviews and articles. I need to unsubscribe…

I already own it but will update with the new characters. Even though I stand very little chance of getting it played with any regularity.

I’ve seen a couple of interesting videos about Guards of Atlantis II, it looks really cool. I don’t think I’ll be backing it, but I am definitely keeping an eye on it.

I think I’m most curious to try the new double-lane map. The first one has its lanes so far apart that it turns into two separate 2v2 matches almost right away. I wanted to try it 5v5 to see if that extra player per side would give the match some more texture, but our planned session fell through. Looks like the new double-lane map could solve the problem. It has more connections between lanes and adds some incentive to protect one side more at the outset. So I’ll at least be grabbing that. Maybe some extra heroes, too.

So the kickstarter for Endeavor: Deep Sea is up on Gamefound, just curious if anyone is going in on this one? I’m seriously tempted as a fan of the original Endeavor. On the upside, the first was a great game, and also I like the price point on this one, plus I think it’s something I might be able to get my kids to play. And then there’s also a solo mode in case I can’t. On the downside, like I mentioned I already own Endeavor, is this different enough that I want to get in on it? I’m seriously tempted, just trying to do my due diligence.

I’m a fan of the original too, but this is almost certain to be widely available at retail, and $69 + shipping for the deluxe version feels a bit steep.

That’s the direction I am leaning at the moment, just pick it up at retail down the road. I’m sure it won’t be difficult to find.

Paizo want some of that Warhammer IP style money now?


That’s crazy. Not that I ever would have backed that game anyway, but I’d be pretty angry if I had. As are most of the people commenting on kickstarter!

Oh, and the same company did the same thing with their last board game, Darkest Dungeon. Possibly these guys aren’t the best at planning.

I think that’s probably true (although endemic to Kickstarter projects honestly) but the last few years have included some really unprecedented challenges to the boardgaming industry that no one could really have predicted.