Kidnapping plot against Governor Whitmer

Very fine people on all sides and all that bullshit. Read the entire plot and it’s scary stuff.

What the fuck.

Obvious antifa false flag.

Morons. How exactly did they think this would go down? They kidnap and assassinate Whitmer, then what? The feds just let them take over the state?

I’m sure that’s pretty much what they thought, yes.

Pages 6 & 7 are incredibly disturbing:

Attendees participated in firearms training and other combat drills. On July 11, at the exercise, CROFT and a member of the militia group attempted to construct an improvised explosive device (“IED”), using black powder, balloons, a fuse, and BBs for shrapnel.

The attendees discussed attacking a Michigan State Police facility, and in a separate conversation after the meeting, GARBIN suggested shooting up the Governor’s vacation home, which is located in the Western District of Michigan (“the vacation home.”)

On July 27, 2020, CHS-2 met FOX at his business in Grand Rapids. CHS-2 provided the FBI with an audio recording of the meeting. FOX said their best opportunity to abduct Governor Whitmer would be when she was arriving at, or leaving, either her personal vacation home or the Governor’s official summer residence.

FOX described it as a “Snatch and grab, man. Grab the fuckin’ Governor. Just grab the bitch. Because at that point, we do that, dude – it’s over.”

FOX said that after kidnapping the Governor, the group would remove her to a secure location in Wisconsin for “trial.” FOX suggested they get a realtor to help them find the exact location of the vacation home and collect information on the surrounding homes and structures. FOX discussed the importance of knowing the layout of the yard, homes, and security. FOX stated they needed to map out the surrounding property and gates, and they needed plumbers and electricians to help them read blueprints to refine their strategy. FOX also suggested recruiting an engineer or “IT [Information Technology] guy,” a “demo guy,” and other “operators.”

On July 27, 2020 FOX asked in an encrypted group chat, which included GARBIN, HARRIS, FRANKS and CHS-2, “OK, well how’s everyone feel about kidnapping?” “We about to be busy ladies and gentlemen . . . This is where the Patriot shows up. Sacrifices his time, money, blood sweat and tears . . . it starts now so get fucking prepared!!”

“Have one person go to her house. Knock on the door and when she answers it just cap her . . . at this point. Fuck it.” He added, “I mean . . . fuck, catch her walking into the building and act like a passers-by and fixing dome her then yourself whoever does it.” (sic). In a follow-up chat about the plan, FRANKS told CHS-2, “OK sounds good I’m in for anything as long as its well planned.”

Probably imagine everybody else is just sitting there wishing they could do the same, but lacking in courage. And once the act is done, they’ll pour out of the woodwork cheering.

Good guess.

He’s hot on the trail of Hillary’s email server…he doesn’t have time for all these armed seditious gangs.

Isn’t this the second time they’d found a threat to coup the state government and kill/kindnap Whitmer?

It will be, “I don’t know much about it, next question”

Yeah, not surprised at Trump’s base. Gee, who thought promoting violence against your opponents would turn out like this?

Boy, lemme see that!

(grabs and bites down on nugget of info detailing the re-enactment of the Looking at Blueprints scene from Aliens, capped with nonsensical attempt to macho-cheerlead)

Yep, that’s gen-uine chud!

This is what I want more information on. We’ve seen it over and over.

Does the affidavit state where the weapons,etc. came from?

There are parts of this which don’t seem to match the usual FBI “we caught some terrorists” pattern where everything credible about the threat came from the FBI but need more info.

Whoa, hey there, Popehat. Let’s not go alienating the valuable opinionated, unmotivated voter demographic this close to an election! The Dems are a big tent, now – room for all!