Kinetic typography:

Seeing the MC Yogi Starbucks ad Grassroots Movement and his earlier Vote 4 Hope led me to look some more examples of this sort of animation for fun. Cheesy, annoying rapping aside, it’s pretty impressive.

Just thought I’d share:

This probably isn’t quite what the definition of Kinetic Typography calls for:

Most of these, like the Ocean’s 11 one, evoke the style of 60s intros and stuff.

Anyone seen anything else worthwhile?

I was digging that list until Citizen Cope. That guy makes me hate white people and music.

Shit, there’s a lot of this stuff, mostly student work, on Youtube it seems. Time to spend hours surfing related links.

Well, I was interested until the part where he claimed that XML was created to separate formatting from content.

I thought I’d resurrect this thread for an amazing specimen:

Nice contribution, rei. That was awesome.

I read that as kinectic typography at first.

Same, and when Kinect was announced I couldn’t read it without reading “kinetic”.

That’s quite the mindspace turnaround from Microsoft.