Kingdom Come: Deliverance

? Sorry, but I don’t find Will Ferrell funny and I don’t watch his movies

I don’t either!

That’s how GIFs work!

So how are the pc could controls - mouse and keyboard? Are they really bad?

They’re just fine. Standard stuff. I wouldn’t want to play on a controller.

Wow I wonder how all the poor console players are coping then if it’s bad with a controller?

I haven’t tried with a controller. I just can’t see how the archery or lockpicking would work, it’s finicky enough with a mouse.

Ah okay; I read they’re going to be making lockpicking easier so that’s something. Plenty of comments around saying how it’s near impossible on the consoles.

Though from what I read the game is pretty keen on simulating what it’s like for someone unskilled to attempt something hard, so the initial difficulty of picking a lock is a feature. I guess it gets easier after you practice it for an hour? ;)

I play with a gamepad and it seems to work fine.

Melee is an average implementation of the system in For Honor, albeit much worse. In particular the system of having you unlock from a target when you hold in a direction is dumb and prevents the high speed direction changes you see in for honor (or at least makes them a lot harder).

I tried lockpicking with mouse/keyboard and found it even worse than with gamepad. The implementation of lock picking in this game is just crappy and not fun at all, probably the worst lock picking mini game i have ever played.

I’m not really sure how to use bows well at this point, but i didn’t try them much.

I feel like both the developer and gamers are using “oh your character is terrible at X activity” as an excuse for certain elements in the game being less than stellar.

No mounted combat?

Newsflash: Stuff that is realistic is not always stuff that is fun.

Caveat: Haven’t played the game, though I want to when it’s patched and preferably on sale. And I don’t have anything against challenging games. One thing that has been hard for developers to understand from the beginning of computer games though is that by and large gamers want challenges that are, well, challenging within the context of an entertainment environment. Stuff that is challenging in real life often has very tangible or at least meaningful rewards–mastering an instrument, learning to play a sport, becoming fluent in another language–that make the challenge and occasional frustration worth it. Games have to work really really hard to offer a reward that is worth making a gamer become frustrated, in ways that the real world analogues of such activities often don’t. On top of that, stuff that is ultimately intuitive or instinctual in real life–based on basic physical or mental traits of homo sapiens, for instance, are damn hard to duplicate in a game with mouse and keyboard or a controller.

I’m really interested to see how this game shakes out over time. I love the idea of a more realistic and challenging medieval RPG than the norm, but so far even the most glowing reviews here have not made me convinced the game gets the balance between challenge and enjoyment quite right.

Fuck that balance - for RPG gamers like me who like history, realism and world-simulation more than anything, there hasn’t been a game like this since at least Darklands. There are a zillion games that do the things you want - let us have this one, at least.

Wait, there is stuff like alchemy, witches covens and Baphomet in this game? I didn’t think there was anything supernatural. I’d personally be a lot more interested if there were.

You can execute people you think are guilty of witchcraft or demon worship if you want.

Whoa there, cowboy. Perhaps the unstated but clearly implied "…quite right for me " didn’t register. I’m certainly not saying, nor is anyone else saying, that the game shouldn’t exist, or that no one should buy it, or anything else like that. Hell, I hope it is successful enough to support ongoing development and enhancement. I want to play it eventually too, as I have some of the same interests that you appear to have. It’s just that at this point in time my interest in what they are trying to do is warring with my awareness that my own play style and habits won’t support a game that is as potentially frustrating as this one seems to be in its current state.

I like history, realism, and world-simulation as much as anyone I guess, though I am quite ambivalent at best with stuff like having to eat, sleep, not catch cold, and flounder about helplessly because of a desire to be realistic. I prefer realism in the stuff that matters to me, and that’s why I think the combat and social simulation stuff in this game is so intriguing. But for me, the higher you raise the bar on stuff like that you more refined and polished the mechanics and systems have to be, because you start layering conceptual complexity and difficulty on top of systemic or architectural flaws, and it can get ugly.

It seems to make a lot of sense to progress the history until you get your own horse. It make the game easier to solve.

Yes, getting the horse makes an incredible difference. All of a sudden you can now carry all your loot back to the stores - as well as gallop your way to save game spots orders of magnitude more quickly.

It make poaching so much easier. since you can have 91 pieces of meat from a single creature, that you can move around quickly before it lose value.

Walking slow while overloaded is ignored when you are in your horse.

And theres stuff in the world that are worth 2.1 K alone, making this one of these games where you want to locate a rich merchant to dump expensive items (and that perhaps have something valuable to buy too, so you don’t dry him for money).

I am considering making a build shield + fist. I wonder how viable is that. I could easily practice box fighting to become a monster.

Let me know how this goes. Sounds like something I’d like.

Ok got you. I feel bad when I have to burn a heretic in CK 2 because despite that one DLC I’m assuming they really aren’t a witch. Don’t think I would want to be doing that in this game. Although the poaching mentioned up above does interest me. :)

I’m really enjoying this game except for the save game crappiness (a few times I’ve died due to jankiness and it’s put me back an hour).
Getting the horse is a godsend. I fire an arrow, ride away, fire more arrows until they run away from me and then chase and kill them. I’m playing like a Parthian.
The melee combat is awful for me but I’m not sure if it’s because I’m low level or because it’s just awful out of the box.