Kingdom Death: Monster: red in tooth and claw

Oh lordy. That game. We tried playing the Middle-Earth version (MERP) and it was hilariously insane stuff, about as close as anyone’s come to creating a mass-produced Spawn of Fashan.

I remember MERPS which was by the same developer. Tables for days, as the kids say.

Whoda thought high adventure would be so much like doing taxes!

The damage result rolling reminds me of a spoof article from Dragon Magazine ages ago, the Wandering Damage System.

9 Your character steps on a piece of glass; consult Limb Loss Subtable.

Yeah you can’t ever get too attached to a particular character. Your survivors will get massively more powerful as you rack up innovations, experience and better gear, but the difficulty curve of your enemies more than keeps up. It can be heartbreaking when your elite warrior with great bonus stats and fighting arts gets murdered.

“Blood Gey[s]er”
“they cut apart it[s] bloody vomity carcass”