Kingdom Death: Monster: some assembly required

Ah, yeah I messed that up. Note that the can’t be knocked down when already down rule would probably apply, since the brain damage would most likely knock you down fast (second Tim this triggers) unless survivors have somehow gained insanity. But yeah, knock back does not necessarily cause knockdown. My bad. I think I might have lost my most recent campaign due to this, now that I think about it…

However, you can’t dodge the intimidation part of Terrifying roar, since it’s an intimidation and not an attack.

From the Glossary
Intimidate Actions: Intimidate actions cause brain damage. Intimidate actions are not attacks or hits (survivors cannot sped survival to dodge Intimidate actions). Monsters dont need to be adjacent to their targets to intimidate.

I’ve been reading about this game and people will talk about how random number tables took their best guy before a fight and that left them mathematically incapable of winning, and how the whole experience was some brilliant meditation on the transience and ephemerality of life, and it sounds like $250 Stockholm Syndrome to me.

400 dollars. A higher quality syndrome

I think this might have been more prevalent in 1.3. In 1.5 (what I know) it’s very unusual to lose a well prepared survivor in the hunt phase (the only tables before a fight where the above can happen) since they changed the worst offending tables (plus, you have rerolls for these kind of things if you build for it) . And losing a hunt does not have too big consequences (other than losing your guys and the chance to gather resources, but I think most successful campaigns will have some TPW) . Fights with worse consequences (nemesis fights) do not have any table rolling before them.

It definitely has design choices that some people are going to hate or not understand. Because it does not belong to the dominant design school nowadays, and facing an uncommon game style can be jarring, but I disagree a lot of those mechanics are so terrible as people say. Its just a different kind of game where you need to manage your luck and plan for bad things to happen here and there.

This got real all of a sudden. Box should be delivered tomorrow.

So. Things I already own:

  1. Good X-Acto knife
  2. A couple of good tweezers/forceps from computer building
  3. A decent lighted magnifying headgear, also from computer stuff

Things I’m guessing I will need:

  1. A decent mat or work surface
  2. A sprue clipper
  3. Glue of some kind. I’ve seen recommendations for both super glue and plastic cement. I gather the 1.5 figs are all plastic, so plastic cement should work fine (although other figs are apparently resin). Anyone have any specific brands/applicators they recommend?

Tamiya plastic cement is good stuff. The extra thin one is more aggressive and can give slightly better results, but it’s also easier to fuck up. Regular Tamiya worked really well for me.

Thanks Juan!

To print the antílope to its base you might want either super glue, a brass rod and a drill or a lot of patience with plastic cement. That was the only truly frustrating part of assembling the core monsters (well the hands of the Phoenix are also something else).

Definitely get sprue clippers. You might be thinking you remember model building from your youth and the xacto knife will be good enough for a bit. It won’t. Clippers are expensive but absolutely mandatory.

I wonder if I can make a GoFundMe or this game…