Kohan II - Online Name List

Sokay, balut. That AI that replaced you was the sorriest AI I’ve ever seen. He couldn’t walk and chew gum at the same time. And that other player on our team, didn’t know about making custom companies - he spent the whole game making 4 unit companies of basic units. I was so freaking crazed on my side of the map I didn’t even notice till the end of the game. After the game, he asked me, “What do you mean, I need to build support units” (!) hahaha.

<brag mode on> Of course, we won anyway :). I had to get medieval on the other team. It was truly insane.<brag mode off>


Gah, that sucks (except for the part where you won). I was having a decent start as well in that game, and could have really helped kick some ass. :(

Question for you guys, since this seems to be the general purpose K2 thread…

Is there any way in a MP game to see what percentage of the map each side controls at any given time?

I just lost a 3v3 game where win condition was set to 75% control of the map, and it felt sort of out of nowhere (was in the midst of the first real action my army saw).

You can see the city numbers under F5. It will say “control 9 cities to win, you have 6 of 12 on the map” or something like that.


So if a player drops he gets replaced by an AI? Awesome! I’ll take a bad AI over Dawn of War where the player just goes away (and basically ruins the game) any day! That has to be my number one complaint about online play in Dawn of War thus far.

Wow, later than I thought :). We had some good games tonight, got a chance to play with some QT3 people. I really enjoyed our last couple games - great teamwork, good effort, good games.

That’s the kind of Kohan I like :).


Yep, and its theoretically an AI suited for the race/faction combo the player was using (although AI quality still varies a lot). A nice design feature IMO.


Definitely, some great games tonight. I’m getting a pretty good feel for one of the races anyway (Drauga), although my economy doesn’t ever seem to be as strong as Sharpe’s in the endgame. That said, at least I’m not suddenly noticing I have 500 gold sitting around anymore.

Kohan 2 is a great game, I wish more qt3 strategy fans were checking it out and not off Rome: Total War-ing. They’ll come around.

picks self up off the ground and brushes off the dust

Whew, thanks for letting my up guys. :lol:

Some really cool games tonight, even if they were in a losing effort from my side.

Which time do you guys are usually online? I’m there at about 21:00 GMT.

I’m only getting in about 1 game a night (still wrapping up Axis and Allies), but man, what a blast. I’m getting to play with most of you here. :)

Nothing better than to actually get to play you game alongside other folks enjoying it.


BTW, I can’t wait to see the conundrum when A&A comes out…which to play, which to play… ;)

Aagh Sharpe I came online this evening and your match was already up… Next time! :D

Sharpe: Are you password protecting your game now? Seemed to be locked up tonight.

I got stuck in a couple games with that nero guy and another guy ranting to no end about how undead need to be nerfed… it wasn’t so much fun.

I was using QT3 as a password on a couple games so we could play with redfive’s buddies.

I may start using that regularly as the channels are starting to get crowded. I guess the game is finally hitting the mass market :).

Again, some great games tonight. I think I’m beginning to get the Drauga. Some fun stuff with them.


Yeah, I think they are my race of choice. I started with them, and after a brief and embarassing experience with the chicken-mounted Haroun, I think I’ll stick with them.

My theory is defense isn’t that important, so the Drauga’s “weakness” isn’t much of one, and they’ve got tons of health and AV to make up for it.

I’ve been having luck with these stacks:
-Beast Rider - Mauler (for anticav) - 1 War Monger
-Beast Rider - Raider (for seige bonus) - 1 War Monger

I’ll tack an Elder on too sometimes later in the game. I back these up with impalers to taste.

The War Monger is the key because the Haste lets you chase down and actually wipe out enemy units.

You seemed to be playing more with the Berserkers Sharpe, I sorta bombed the one game I tried that – I assume it’s working well?

Actually I think build more beastriders than berserkers in most games. But I crank out a couple of berserkers after getting my second city, as an early pump to my combat power.

I’m still tinkering with a Drauga build but one thing has lept out at me: if you build right, the Drauga are one of the best gold producing races in the game. I was wrong about their gold economy. The key is using the resource trading upgrades.


So far I’ve seen the following QT3ers online using these names:


Also, redfive’s friends BanzaiWanderer and Mohrduck have played with us.

Get on there and get in some games :). Look us up when you do.


I’ll definately try to squeeze a game or two later tonight to get up to speed with MP strategies.

I’m still having trouble deciding which race to specialize in, so I’ve been mostly playing with Random. Haroun are my favorite so far, but the popularity of Undead makes them a bit less attractive. Bows aren’t that cost effective against the undead, so it almost always seems to boil down to massing stonewalkers and/or the chicken riders. I guess I could give Gauri and Drauga a few more tries. I never seem to get them as a random pick.

Haroun are weird - I’ve done OK with them but its a different way to play. I’ve seen people use hordes of chicken riders effectively. One way to go with haroun is pure cavalry with siege backup - large numbers of chicken riders, with some Windriders and a couple of trees. I’ve done builds with them where I never build any infantry or archers, just scout cav and heavy cav, plus siege. Also if you get a tech for a strong ranged siege like Djinn or Iffrit, then you can go to town: make a regiment with a couple trees and a couple Djin/Ifrit and protect it with your chicken riders: you can stomp along.

I finally figured out some decent builds for the humans. I’ve got a royalist human build that works pretty well. Basically you build lancers, then get some gold going with at least one bazaar, and build some infantry with cleric/paladin, a couple catapults. You can later build some Dragoons for major punch.


I’ll share some thoughts as a slightly better than newbie player:
If you are playing in a larger MP game (2v2 or more), Gauri are nice because you can turtle pretty easily with them. A few packs of anvils with a healer each is a very, very hard to kill army. Slow moving, though, so you have to kind of plow your way through attacks. This isn’t necessarily a winning strategy, but it’s a pretty good way to stay alive and help out as a newbie. In 1v1 games (or if you’re unlucky in a bigger game), it’s hard as the Gauri to deal with an early rush attack.

Undead are probably the most common race (actually, I think the game stats show they are in fact the most common race). They are relatively easy as a newbie for a couple reasons:
-Healing anywhere, which means they make great raiders.
-You can easily always be at your unit limit thanks to the incredibly cheap and upkeep-free zombies. Sure, they aren’t too effective, but in numbers they can at the very least slow down an attack significantly.

Sharpe has perfected the Drauga as far as I can tell, here’s a great example film:
( download into C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USER NAME\My Documents\Kohan2\data\Films , load from in game, you can adjust playback speed with +/- )

Hopefully Sharpe won’t mind me sharing, he’s on the bottom center, and it’s a great example of how to play the drauga well. (You can check out me, NE of him, for an example of how to play the drauga poorly). Two things I noticed: He massed raiders rather than maulers for initial scouting (raiders are nearly as fast, are cheaper to upkeep since it’s just .5 iron, and have a bonus against buidlings), and he as quickly as possible bought the export upgrades for his buildings. That +192 economy he has cooking a couple minutes into the game is just amazing.

The only other advice I could give is stay away from the humans, they are either too weak, or too hard to play well.

I’m sure more skilled players can offer more detailed/informed comments…