Kramnik v Deep Fritz

He not only lost game 2. This blunder cost him the match. Such a terrible oversight will cause a huge dent in his self confidence. You can´t play at 100% if you calculate everything twice to make sure everything is covered.

I wish Kramnik had converted his almost winning advantage in game 1.

At this point, maybe they can change the rules (in both human vs human and human vs computer) so that each human player can use a laptop with whatever they want on it. That would probably be even less interesting for the common man, but more interesting for me personally.

That is the most embarrassing blunder I’ve seen at this level. I don’t think you’d see this happen often if at all at today’s high school level even.

Didn’t he make a huge blunder in the match against Topalov too?

Man, they let anybody put a GM in front of their name these days. ;-)

If I made a mistake like that I’d be angry at myself for days, and I SUCK at chess. Really incredible that it would happen at this level.

He took a dive =)

To be fair, imagine the huge amount of pressure he was under. Not just playing GM level chess vs. an opponent, but playing GM level chess representing your race against a computer.

That’s some stress.

So when are they going to launch the missiles?

It’s not like chess greats like Kasparov and Kramnik can’t make basic, elementary mistakes - Bobby Fisher is known for flubbing greatly in his first two games against Spassky; of course, all three have lost in very public, very intimidating game venues.

— Alan

Oddly enough, that’s being discussed somewhat seriously in the gambling world. Probably more tin-foil hattery than meat, but still.

Who cares. This stuff was kind of interesting when Kasparov was going against Deep Blue years ago but everybody knows its an uphill fight now with the ‘bajillion’ calculations per second these machines can do now. 99 out of 100 times its going to be either the game ends in a draw or the human player makes a mistake. The end.

I haven’t looked at it in awhile but 3-way odds for chess matches are geared heavily towards the draw and big rewards for a side that actually wins. Of course, statistically, the draw in the grandmaster-level games is very likely and many times preferable. That being said, I’d say that the odds of Kramnik winning any particular game is fairly low.

Edit: oh yeah. So, for game two the odds are roughly:

Draw -120
Deep Fritz +145
Kramnik +500

In other words, if I put $10 on each my winnings would be:

Draw: $8.33
Deep Fritz: $14.50
Kramnik: $50

So obviously if I were to “lay” Kramnik (that is, bet that he won’t win) there’s an “arb” situation where you can make money on either result (draw or Deep Fritz win). Because the only situation is Kramnik can control to any great extent is Deep Fritz winning, it’s possible he took a dive, but I seriously doubt it.

— Alan

I love chess annotation with the ??? after a bad move.

Kasparov had pretty much the same idea.

At least go ends with a side winning.