Langrisser Mobile is Awesome

I didn’t know why you complained about the bear, but I got one, and yeah, I get it, nice item for a Tiaris :D

The sword is really cool. I got two and one is going to Sakura (doh), the other to Kirikaze probably.

The armor is tricky. I don’t see anybody using it but my Luna, maybe, although the ranged requirement of the trigger makes it useless for a bow one. And a flyer one being target by a ranged attack is dead. Hrrrm, weird one.

Haven’t got the hat, but I got another pair of “move again 2 blocks” boots, which is one of my absolute favourite accessories, so yay!

The banner sure is unusually generous: I got all this+a couple extra junk out of 4 draws, and one was a total dud. I got 2x2 SSRs, and 1x3SSRs.