Last Epoch: ARPG somewhere between Path of Exile and Diablo.

Here’s a super basic / quick primer to explain the gist of it. @Misguided is right, it looks more complicated than it is.

  1. Hit F to bring up the crafting screen. Look at your Rare items and note the forging potential. Enhancing items will consume a portion of that forging potential. Once it’s used up, you can’t upgrade it any further. Here’s some random boots I have in my inventory.

Slot it in the crafting screen. The boots already have affixes for Intelligence, Health, and Health Regen per second. You see these show up on the crafting screen. Note the tier of those affixes. Intelligence is only T1, whereas health I got a T2 roll. Note also in the bottom left, there is an extra slot for a Prefix!

Let’s see what I can add to that empty slot. I click that (+) button and get this screen. Notice that it conveniently shows what affixes are currently on the item and what I have available to apply. It looks like I can put Vitality on there. I’m feeling a little squishy so let’s go with that. The UI tells me that I have 17 vitality shards. Plenty to play around with.

I click on Vitality, now it tells me it’s going to consume 1 to 18 of my 21 forging potential. Lets go for it.

Hell yeah, look at that. I got a critical success so it didn’t consume my forging potential! I still have 21.

I can also upgrade affixes. How about that T1 health regen node?

Apparently, I should be doing guides every time I do this because… another critical success! T3 health regen and still have all 21 of my forging potential!

Here’s what the booties look like now, and I can still keep cranking on them:

Not bad for a rando rare boot I found on the ground, eh?