Leaving Quarter to Three (and no longer sponsoring the site)

I am utilizing Qt3 in such a way that I haven’t a clue who these malfeasants are. Perhaps this means that I have reached a nirvana-state of Qt3 usage.

Take care, Wumpus, and thanks for all the fish! (But really, do take care and enjoy life!)

Funny enough, I’ve been a member here almost since the beginning, and I’ve managed to avoid the drama each time one of these incidents arise. I think it’s pretty much because I very rarely go into P&R, that hive of scum and villainy.

Oh no, I must give wumpus credit in that everything he’s been doing he’s been very up front about it. But is my conclusion really so outrageous? He persuaded Tom to move to discourse and oh hey, here’s a thousand bucks a month! No reason! I like you.

And he says straight up, he’s been pushing for moderation changes around here. Tom says no, so wumpus bails. Oh, and his support too. No reason! He just has other stuff going on.

I see cause and effect here. You don’t, I guess. Well and good, we don’t have to agree.

I think it’s a bad thing that wumpus is leaving.

I agree with half of it, but not the motivation part.

Wumpus definitely wanted to influence the forum. He made that clear. We all do, I think. I just don’t think it’s in the way you ascribe.

So I’m only following up to half agree with you, not argue, I guess.

Thanks. That makes sense. Appreciate the post.

That’s a pretty good summary, I think. I’ve personally wondered if his goal is simply to see if he can destabilize the relatively harmonious and congenial Qt3 community. If so, this thread (and others) are indications that he is succeeding.

To repeat, Wumpus has not been doing the extremely generous $1000/month donations to the site for a while. He has been giving $5/month on Patreon, just like the hoi polloi. Trying to spin his leaving as some kind of extortion attempt is uninformed and mean.

So, this helps a lot. For some reason I still thought he was shouldering most of the hosting his leaving was pulling the plug on that.

it is my understanding that he is hosting the forum as of this second but will not be any longer.

Yep he also contributed a rather nice linux server and hosting. He was extremely generous, no call to shit on the man.

I agree. There are a ton of political threads on P&R and Gman is only posting in one of them. By now, the only people in that thread are those who want to read what Gman has to say and/or want to read what his respondents have to say.

If you aren’t interested in either, all you have to do is not click on that one thread. You could even make a new Facebook thread if that topic interests you, I bet that Gman won’t come in.

But communities don’t need it they can just ban those people.

-literally Wumpus

At the end of the day, more power to him. I think he’s a decent enough person and it’s his decision.

Curious how some folks think Wumpus SHOULD have handled leaving? Just disappear one day? I think he handled it fine. He reached his point of who he is not comfortable “hanging” with. I imagine or I hope we all have that point.

Even at a local games night if there is say an open racist who only spouts his racism in the back room offending the euro players, would you still show up because you only play warhammer? When the euro players start to quit is it “their problem” they are not comfortable hanging out with a bigot?

That makes no sense. We all know it’s Warhammer players who are racist.

I would show up if I knew he would not be there. For instance if he only went to the Tuesday game night, then I would go the Thursday game night. Or the Sunday game night. Or the Friday game night. Because I would still want to see my friends, just without him around.

get outta here with your anti-orkist prejudice! :)

Fair answer thank you. My fledgling view (my opinion on this changes hourly so forgive me) is that while that is a fine coping strategy it feels off somehow that you are now the one making changes around an activity you enjoy just because one person is toxic. If that makes sense? I am not pretending I have a better answer btw. I dont know what my answer is.

LOL :)