Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

GotY 2017.

Since this is a lot like making the original game in 3D, you’re probably going to love it.

If you want a heavy concentration of forum posters who didn’t like BotW in the end rather than try to sift out the the dissent from this thread, head over to Most Disappointing Games of 2017:

Nope, still pretty much the best game ever. :)

Breath of the Wild was without question or remote competition my favorite game of 2017, possibly of all time.

I played it on WiiU for 100+ hours. I played another 120+ hours on Switch. And I can’t wait to play it again sometime.

Weapon degradation makes perfect sense and fits well once you play the game enough to see its full context. Just consider weapons to be ammo if you must. You’ll always find something newer or better around the corner.

Even though it’s nearly a year since the game launched, my love of Breath of the Wild is still as strong as ever. It’s the best game I’ve played, and just as the awesome video arrendek posted above attests, it continues to impress with unique gameplay-generated moments.

Has anyone finished the second chunk of DLC content? I’m on the final part of the Master Sword trial, and I want to wrap that up first before I attempt to acquire that badass looking motorcycle.

That was a cool clip, but it’s missing the flourish at the end (and the audio)! Here’s the source:

Ancient arrows insta kill non guardians wherever you hit them. That’s how I got through it.

Since you said you’re into exploration, I think it will click with you. That’s what BOTW services best.

Thanks for all the replies. After reading through this thread and the disappointing games one, I decided to order it from Amazon, where it’s on sale right now for $45. A year ago, I never would have thought I would become such a Nintendo fanboy.

Buying one game, arguably one of the best games of all time, doesn’t automatically make you a fanboy. That comes later… when you’re hitting up all the gaming conventions cosplaying as Gerudo Link.

I probably also need to know what “Gerudo” is to be a fanboy. Soon enough, I’m sure.

I’m among the dissenters but wouldn’t deter anyone from playing it purely because the joy it has evidently brought so many far outweighs the possibility of bouncing off it and moving on to something else. I hope it clicks with you like it has for most folk @Dissensus!

I never finished this on Wii U and I told myself I would, and I definitely wasn’t going to rebuy it for the Switch unless I’d finished the Wii U version and the digital version for Switch was discounted.

But right this minute I’m very tempted to rebuy it for the Switch. Please stop reminding me how good it is.

One of the races in the games, comprised almost exclusively of women.

I started it on the Wii U and I could tell it was a fantastic game.

I am playing it on the Switch now and it may be the best game I have ever played. I have played it almost entirely on the handheld on my couch. At least, I think I’m on my couch, because it feels like I’m sucked through the wardrobe to Narnia when I’m playing it. Tonight I was in an impromptu joust with a black goblin and it was so great that I was cheering out loud.

My only concern is that no other Switch game is going to live up to BotW.

And most famous exception to that “mostly female” rule is none other than the main antagonist. ;)

I’m kicking myself for forgetting the Gerudo theme for the music thunderdome.

It’s, possibly, my favorite theme in the entire series. Also, dude, spoilers! How come you’re revealing spoilers for a 20 year old game, that just ain’t right ;)

Well, in the games where Ganondorf appears in his humanoid Gerudo form, it’s quite clear that he’s the antagonist from the first moment you see him, so it’s not really that big a spoiler.

I think mentioning the King of Porkness (link) form though might be a spoiler.

Hell yeah! That’s one of the best pieces of music they’ve ever done. I love the versions that are in Smash too.