Legends of the USA

You guys keep skipping over the greatest cowboy of all time.

Pecos Bill

The entire GI Joe team.

Would Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart count?


Camilo Torres is a good legend from Colombia. As is Pablo Escobar.
And one day, ME!

Mentioned previously, but not properly supported:


Hacksaw Jim Duggan “Hey Yoooooo!”

Damn right. Six foot twenty fucking killing for fun.

Jesse James, Butch Cassidy & the other guy, Matt Warner…

Boggy Creek.

Billy the Kid.
Alvin York.

The Jersey Devil
Area 51
El Chupacabra (fuck you, Mexico, it’s ours now)

Dr. Manhattan

Judge Roy Bean

Wyatt Earp
Bonnie and Clyde

John Wesley Hardin - was so mean he once killed a man for snoring too loud.

guy with hook for hand that kills promiscuous teens



H.P. Lovecraft