Let's complain about our bodies

Yep, I had the joy of paroxysmal afib for about week some 5 years ago (my early 30s). My mother suffers from it, chronic now, had the full ablation etc. treatment but it didn’t work out - so she’s now fitted with a pacemaker (which has its own issues, but she’s better).

Guess I Inherited it from her along with her flat feet. =(

My first ‘attack’ was while I was riding my motorbike home after work. That was fun. I was under a lot of stress at the time. Plus drinking on the evenings to take the edge off. A bad combination for it. When it would trigger I’d sweat profusely and be incredibly short of breath. Really felt like it came out of the blue.

I went on beta blockers for about a month though it cleared practically instantly after taking my first dose. Haven’t had a problem since, though I’ve also been less stressed/drink less.