Let's complain about our bodies

I know more and more about less and less until I know everything about nothing.

I also have been avoiding relatively complex games. OTOH I intend to play Lost Ark when it comes out here. We’ll see how that works out.

As well my eyesight is kinda fucked. I have one 20/20 after cataract surgery. And one that is sorta focused with a lens but blurry with encroaching cataract. Ultimately that means that I need LARGE FONTS and UI to play games. I have refunded a few games that I just couldn’t fucking read on Steam.

I do not like this version of me. Stupid and blind is no way to go through life.

This is known as wisdom.

On the other hand, when someone brought up a 5th element meme in the covid thread, all I remembered about that movie was:

  1. Some crazy opera-like singer
  2. Die hard guy falls very far onto a flying taxi
  3. Red head lady!
  4. Love!

I’ve completely jettisoned most of my knowledge of pop culture, especially pop culture from 20+ years ago. I swear I’ve forgotten all but the major plot points in most books I’ve read. Just woosh, no space left in my head for any of it. Basically, my recall is garbage, but at least I have recognition - with a few appropriate nudges, I can pull much of that back, but it’s like my brain is actively resisting, because it already feels full.

That’s more like, the hottest actress in the world falls into a taxi. :) I can forget a lot, but not Milla.

See, look how great you’re doing!

Thanks mom. :D

In my case it’s probably the twenty years of taking a tranquilizer that people should only take for a few weeks.

Also the psychiatrist that told me it was fine to take them forever lost his license and later hung himself.

Recently more than one type of doctor has said that no one in my position should even consider trying to even wean off of them.

So I suspect that I know why I get slower, dumber, and more tired as life slowly fucking crawls forward. Not that I’m salty or anything.

Edit: Still can kill a topic really quickly, though.

Huh… my shoulder’s fucked up and hurts, it’s getting worse and apparently every few years I’ll need to go to the doctor to get it under control so I can sleep, assuming there’s no more permanent solution?

What’s wrong with it?

Have you tried some stretches? Sleeper stretch. Lounge chair stretch. 90-90 arm sweep, etc

How is your posture?

Tendonitis. I do a few stretches that were recommended to me by my doctor (sleeper stretch is one), I’ve done physical therapy that helped a whole lot getting almost full range of motion back, and usually I can go through the day without much pain, at least after having corticoids injected into my shoulder (I think that was it).

Bad shoulders from my genetics and all the sports I’ve done aren’t great for shoulders plus being stupid and doing the whole “I’ll wait, it’ll get better on it’s own”, equals bad times. :D

Posture is decent, not great.

Improving that may be the permanent solution you are looking for. Do you keep doing the stretches from PT even when you aren’t going?

Almost every day at least once.

That’s good. Check out the lounge chair stretch if you haven’t done that one. I also really like the arm sweeps and doing IYTs

Does anyone have what I call “Random Body Pain”? By that I mean that some part of you that was perfectly fine starts hurting for a while. It can be hours, days, or even weeks. Eventually it will stop and then some other part of me that was fine will start to hurt.

Also I sometimes get random jabs of pain. Like someone shoved and ice pick into me. This is very intense but fade quickly in a second or two.

I have talked to doctors about this stuff, but its useless. They know nothing.

My Apple Watch keeps giving me low heart rate alarms when it falls to below 40. I never thought much of it, always thinking a low resting HR is good. Except I finally looked it up, and that is way too low.

Could be from drinking or sleep apnea. Probably the former.

My father had at least 4 heart attacks, so I always figured that would be what killed me. Scheduled a doctor’s appointment.

I started getting this a couple years ago. Super weird and random sharp pains that only last a second or two then go away. Maybe once every 3-4 days or so, but not predictable.

I get that. Will just get a sharp pain in my arm or anywhere, and then it just disappears. I get that in my gut as well, but I think that is tied to diverticulitis.

I’ve had that ever since I robbed that voodoo priest’s lair in New Orleans back in '72. It’s almost like a nail or long pin being inserted.

My complaint - another fractured tooth, extraction and implant hardware last week.

On the other hand, I have way more implants now than your average pole dancer.